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  1. shuefly pie

    What's on the dinner table tonight?

    Bison brisket Arugula, bleu cheese and Concord pear salad Roasted heirloom potatoes and salsify
  2. shuefly pie

    What Are You EATING right now?

    Potage Saint Cloud and olive oil croutons
  3. shuefly pie

    R A N D OM Awesomeness

  4. shuefly pie

    Don't Hate Me Cos My Beauty Overwhelms You

    F*#? that. I'm a chef. I'll bring cake for everyone. Just scoot a chair over.
  5. shuefly pie

    Don't Hate Me Cos My Beauty Overwhelms You

    This thread gives me much hope that there's a place for me at the Dims table.
  6. shuefly pie

    He'll forgive infidelity......

    Would these results bear out if the sample group surveyed was: 35-55 year olds? A more conservative university? Any number of other variables?
  7. shuefly pie

    What Are You EATING right now?

    Leftover roast leg of sheep with tzitziki and some olive oil and sea salt almonds
  8. shuefly pie

    The Thread for Random Single Confessions Part ... I don't know what Part

    LOL! FWIW, Americans are not the only perpetrators of this crime against grammar. ;)
  9. shuefly pie

    Fat Pregnancy thread

    Big, big hugs! I know how tough it gets at the end with twins. I was 38 1/2 weeks when my girls were born. Those last few weeks did feel very long. Keep cooking those babies so you can all come home together.
  10. shuefly pie

    The thread for random single confessions!

    IC that I accidentally posted this confession in The Lounge yesterday when I meant to post it here, but I'm reposting anyway because I am a brat: IC that when someone says, "I could care less," I really, really want to reply, "Then go for it! Care LESS! It's liberating!"
  11. shuefly pie

    The Thread for Random Single Confessions Part ... I don't know what Part

    Because y'all are using it correctly. Apparently though, a lot of people couldn't care less about that.
  12. shuefly pie

    The Thread for Random Single Confessions Part ... I don't know what Part

    IC that when someone says, "I could care less," I really, really want to reply, "Then go for it! Care LESS! It's liberating!"
  13. shuefly pie

    Did U Learn Something New Today?

    You are too kind, Mister MasterShake.
  14. shuefly pie

    30 somethings

    37 3/4 here. :eek: Time flies whether you're having fun or not.
  15. shuefly pie

    Not that anyone cares, but...

    LMAO! Thanks for sharing that - LOL!
  16. shuefly pie

    What is making you SAD right now...

    Thanks for y'all's kindness.
  17. shuefly pie

    What was your favorite TV show as a kid?

    Obviously I don't have cable of any sort. Both of my televisions are hand me downs, though I did leap into the 20th century a couple of years ago and buy a DVD player. LOL. Look out world! ;)
  18. shuefly pie

    What was your favorite TV show as a kid?

    I may or may not have 21st century rabbit ears on my 20th century television as I type. Replete with aluminum foil even! The more things change, the more they stay the same. ;) I loved The Muppet Show as a kid. Later - I was a Square Pegs fan.
  19. shuefly pie

    R A N D OM Awesomeness
