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  1. shuefly pie

    What is making you SAD right now...

    I don't usually post in threads like this because I don't see the benefit of dwelling on the things in my life that are disheartening - no offense intended to those who find the practice therapeutic. Having said that, lately the relentlessness of the difficult circumstances in my life have...
  2. shuefly pie

    Retracted Autism study an 'Elaborate Fraud'

    Also, we have been very aggressive in our pursuit of therapeutic interventions to treat/remediate the difficult behaviors and challenging sensory and attention issues associated with ASD. The underpinning of their progress was ABA, which is hotly debated in its own right. One daughter was in...
  3. shuefly pie

    Retracted Autism study an 'Elaborate Fraud'

    For the record, I agree that Jenny McCarthy is ridiculous. I would prefer almost anyone else to have a very loud voice and act in any capacity as a "face" for autism. I think she has done more harm than we can ever measure and I would never be associated with the zealots of Generation...
  4. shuefly pie

    Retracted Autism study an 'Elaborate Fraud'

    First - You hit the nail on the head about the trouble with how vaccinations are handled now. They just pour a crapload of the stuff into kids every time they go get a vaccination. There is no reason to do this except for the sake of convenience and I'm sure the pharmaceutical companies have a...
  5. shuefly pie

    Retracted Autism study an 'Elaborate Fraud'

    Does anyone know how the number of diagnosed autism cases is counted? Are medical AND educational diagnoses(s) - not sure how to pluralize :blush: - combined or does the number strictly represent medically diagnosed cases of autism?
  6. shuefly pie

    Retracted Autism study an 'Elaborate Fraud'

    Who are "they" and how were the parameters modified?
  7. shuefly pie

    What do you love about fat?

  8. shuefly pie

    What do you love about fat?

    Fat is why the meat taste g-o-o-d. :eat2:
  9. shuefly pie

    What are you happy about today?

    I had lunch with a friend I had lost touch with several years ago. We laughed a lot, cried a little and parted ways with plans made to do it again next week. :)
  10. shuefly pie

    What book are you reading right now?

    "A Fair Maiden," by Joyce Carol Oates http://tinyurl.com/27udne6
  11. shuefly pie

    The last movie you watched... and score out of ten - Part 2

    I couldn't agree more.
  12. shuefly pie

    BHM's & FFA's What would you want to do on a date?

    I'm saving my nuoc cham for marriage.
  13. shuefly pie

    BHM's & FFA's What would you want to do on a date?

    You'd hit on a girl just to get your hands on her Nuoc Cham. We're all just bean thread noodles and mint to you. You don't fool me. Not for one second.
  14. shuefly pie

    BHM's & FFA's What would you want to do on a date?

    Lots of good Vietnamese food, cold beer, Scrabble and a f@#*-fest works for me.
  15. shuefly pie

    The last movie you watched... and score out of ten - Part 2

    Disgrace John Malkovich stars in this very good adaptation of J. M. Coetzee's novel by the same name. It is such a tight film, that I am reluctant to say anything about it, for fear of saying too much. Check out the trailer HERE. "Disgrace" is one of those movies that is uncomfortable to...
  16. shuefly pie

    Make-Up or NO Make-Up?

    Only if you're a no-count jezebel.
  17. shuefly pie

    Make-Up or NO Make-Up?

    Good grief! Are womenfolk in your world permitted shoes in the kitchen?