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  1. SMA413


    De- Lovely
  2. SMA413


    200 Cigarettes
  3. SMA413

    The One NON-DIMS RELATED Thing Annoying You Most Right Now Part Trois.

    Some people pick really inopportune times to pop back in your life with shit that should have been said 3 years ago. What a douche.
  4. SMA413

    oy, it's letters to people and things, part deuce!

    Dear work- Yesterday, I got 2 phone calls and a text asking me to come in. I was enjoying my weekend with my boyfriend who I only get to see every two weeks, so I didn't pick up the extra shift. I was scheduled to work today. I left his house this morning at 4:30 am just to run home, change, and...
  5. SMA413

    The Thread for Random Single Confessions Part ... I don't know what Part

    IC that I must have hit a second work at some point late in my 16 hr shift because now it's almost 1AM and I'm wide awake. I've been up since 5:30 AM. I don't want to take a sleeping pill or anything like that. Luckily, I don't work tomorrow.
  6. SMA413


    Alyson Hannigan
  7. SMA413

    What Are You Happy About Today? Part 2

    OT at work, get to see old friends later this week, Friday is payday, and I get to spend the weekend with a guy that makes me insanely happy. Seems like a pretty awesome week.
  8. SMA413

    oy, it's letters to people and things, part deuce!

    Dear work- Thanks for being so phenomenal. I'm starting to really click with my coworkers and I actually sometimes kinda look forward to going to work! Craziness. Love, Sam ----- Dear Dustin- Can't wait to see you this weekend. :) :wubu: - Me ----- Dear nursing school friends- I can't wait...
  9. SMA413

    The One NON-DIMS RELATED Thing Annoying You Most Right Now Part Trois.

    I'm really craving some Lucky Charms right now but my pantry and fridge are pretty bare. Oh well...
  10. SMA413


    Adam Sandler
  11. SMA413


  12. SMA413

    The Thread for Random Single Confessions Part ... I don't know what Part

    IC that I'm way too excited about being a bum on the couch, eating pork lo mein, drinking wine, and watching Dexter. :)
  13. SMA413

    What Are You Happy About Today? Part 2

    I got two packages in the mail yesterday with the new clothes I bought. I was SUPER excited about it and 98% of it fits PERFECTLY. I'm super excited about the dress I bought for NYE.
  14. SMA413

    The One NON-DIMS RELATED Thing Annoying You Most Right Now Part Trois.

    My ice cream is severely freezer burnt. :(
  15. SMA413

    The Thread for Random Single Confessions Part ... I don't know what Part

    IC I REALLY want some chocolate right now... and I just ate a grilled hotdog sandwich with a glass of wine. I'm PMSing and SUPER classy.
  16. SMA413


    Ian McKellan
  17. SMA413


    Helen Mirren
  18. SMA413

    The One NON-DIMS RELATED Thing Annoying You Most Right Now Part Trois.

    I'm annoyed that over the last three years, I can't get him out of my life. It annoys me that I don't really want him gone, even though he has a girlfriend and I'm dating a guy that I'm crazy about. I wish I could change and that I had the strength to "break up" with him and stand by it.
  19. SMA413


    Mermaids ...
  20. SMA413


    The Prestige