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  1. hillking12

    Recent Picture of You Part X !!!!!!!!!!! :D

    thank you:)
  2. hillking12

    Recent Picture of You Part X !!!!!!!!!!! :D

    heres another[/IMG]
  3. hillking12

    Recent Picture of You Part X !!!!!!!!!!! :D

    hey wats up havent really posted ne thing of myself on here so i thought i would this pic is frm several months ago its the most recent pic of myself i have. i know i look kinda high here but im not my eyes look like that always.
  4. hillking12

    Have u ever had a bbw s*x dream

    Dont we all my freind....dont we all
  5. hillking12

    A question for you people

    Alright so i had a job inerview yesterday at this record store called ZIA (maybe some of you have heard of it) anyways during the last part of the interveiw the guy asks what i have to say wanna of the most random and strangest questions i have heard from a job interview(granted i have been too...
  6. hillking12

    What do you like about the previous poster?

    Has a cool profile pic and is very cute
  7. hillking12

    Karl Lagerfeld- "No One Wants to See Round Women"

    "No one wants to see round women " uh. This guy must not know me because all i love to see are round women:D
  8. hillking12

    The Jazz Thread

    u guys should check out west montgomery playing impressions originally written by the late great john coltrane. its stunnig how fast he plays with only his thumb
  9. hillking12

    "I Love Those Guys that Love Bellies" appreciation thread

    The Belly..... what more can i say that hasnt already been said other than it is truly one of the best things in the world (next to the booty lol) and yes there is nothing better than a hug frm a big girl:smitten:
  10. hillking12

    what are you happy about today? Part 1

    that i was able to get work today and the fact i was able to wake up and see another day.
  11. hillking12

    I got an older big womens #

    well i do appreciate the input brotha. ive already talked to her twice already and surpisingly enough shes already invited me to her apartment to watch movies dnt know if that really means much at this point im just takeing it as a freindly movie night and thats it.
  12. hillking12

    I got an older big womens #

    Yea ur right i do tend to over analyze things. thank you so much for your response and thank you to every one else who responded i really appreciate it.
  13. hillking12

    I got an older big womens #

    Hey whats up People of dims hope all is well. You know its funny i recently posted a thread about my attratction to older big women and whether or not ne one else expirenced what i was expierencing. Well just a few days ago i got a number from a women whom ive been wanting to ask for a month now...
  14. hillking12

    Older Big Women

    LOL!! Too Funny
  15. hillking12

    Kal Penn

    Yes Yes thank you for saying this altough is voice is kinda of funny sounding at times he is still a good actor and i have to agree his performance in 16 blocks was "top Notch " me it was a very good perfomance he is a very good actor ,but you are also a fan of his music! Kool:) Whats one of...
  16. hillking12

    Kal Penn

    LOL i have to say i have noticed that. Thats funny
  17. hillking12

    Phil Spector

    Again futher reason why i need to step up on what is going on these days.....Dang i feel like a doofus know for posting that:doh: LOL
  18. hillking12

    Kal Penn

    In a Sense it is about entertaining the masses but not completely what the world is about My freind , but i do agree with you.
  19. hillking12

    What Are You Listening To? Reloaded :D

    Roy Ayers- SEARCHING A Tribe Called Quest-Oh my God Bad Brains-Give Thanks and Praises James Brown-The Boss Barry white-The games you Play P.O.D-Roots In Stereo Led Zepplin-When The Levve Breaks Steel Pulse- Ask Elijah Mathisyahu-Chop em down The JBS-Givin up food for funk WAR-All day...
  20. hillking12

    Phil Spector

    Whoa wait minute i must have been under rock for the past few months but when the hell did the Phil spector the guy who developed the wall sound that gave us countless hits from the 60s go to court for killing his wife. damn i need keep up with my curent events im slacking.