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  1. F

    Recent Picture of You Part XI !

    This isn't like "today" recent, but recent nonetheless. It was a beautiful day studying at the beach.
  2. F

    Even Dimensions wasn't around this long ago ....

    I love when a man treats me as a Goddess. :wubu:
  3. F

    Do thick girls make skinny guys uncomfortable because they're thicker than they are?

    I was joking about a man satisfying my needs. I don't expect a man - or woman - to do for me. I'm pretty independent. I'd rather my complement, ya know? My ying to my yang or my Clyde to my Bonnie, yeah?
  4. F

    Do thick girls make skinny guys uncomfortable because they're thicker than they are?

    Ew gross, I actually agree with something bigmac is saying. lol Let me add a female perspective to this sausage fest - I believe that it's not just economics and self sustaining, independent women that is allowing such specific mating selection. Sure, independence allows for more choice, but I...
  5. F

    Do thick girls make skinny guys uncomfortable because they're thicker than they are?

    Oh? If it's just an accessory finger, why do we pay that much attention to a man? See, all this time I thought it was a third leg, which would give some kind of justifiable reason as to why we should follow the guidance of such a mythical being with a third leg to stand on - he must be stable in...
  6. F

    What is your weight right now?

    No, go to a warehouse.
  7. F

    Do thick girls make skinny guys uncomfortable because they're thicker than they are?

    And this is why I continue to say, "Fuck the patriarchy." I don't care how men feel toward MY body, I don't care how men feel toward the way I carry MYself, I don't care about a man's opinion. Those with a third leg may dominate politics, finances, and S.T.E.M., but you'll not dominate me ;) not...
  8. F

    The thread for random single confessions!

    That's so sweet! :wubu:
  9. F

    What is your weight right now?

    lol I'm back up to 327lbs and I'm not sad about it. Southern dudes seem to get a kick out of big women, anyways. Not gonna complain. I can eat donuts in peace finally!
  10. F

    Everyday Food Pics - Part II - keep snapping!! :D

    mmmmm i can't rep you :)
  11. F

    What is your weight right now?

    305lbs. Gaining weight...and for the first time in my life I'm not "upset" by it lol I'm just like, ehhh :p
  12. F


    I love your legs :wubu:
  13. F

    The thread for random single confessions!

    Probably the most adorable thing I've ever seen on Dim's lol
  14. F

    Recent Picture of You Part XI !

    Studied too hard, therefore my hair gets big
  15. F

    Can you pick up women at a Chinese buffet?

    As a confident BBW, I do not mind being approached anywhere. However, I do mind the content of your message and whether or not you're aethestically pleasing - I need a soft smile and a calm demeanor from a man to catch my attention :) Plus, if you have salt and pepper hair ... Oooooo wee
  16. F

    What is your weight right now?

    275.8lbs.... so weird :|
  17. F

    What are you nerds reading these days?

    ........I'm a masochist.
  18. F

    To Be Or Not To Be A Feeder?

    I need a tl;dr version.
  19. F

    Running/walking not because it's easy, but because it's hard

    I just want to say I don't care for dedicated exercising (5k's and the like). I regularly sprint (I work healthcare lol!) and I take long, destressing walks. I'm also not attracted to the running-type. Those boys are too much for me. They also eat like birds :( lol
  20. F

    The thread for random single confessions!

    I am a pathologists' assistant. If our reports are verbose, we get yelled at/mocked (I've read, "yackity, yack, yack," from the pathologist before). If it's more than three sentences, you're wasting my time. Lol