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  1. stillblessed23

    Size acceptance good news?

    I completely agree. For example more plus size stores with extremely stylish clothes, Torrid for example and more Lane Bryants as well are popping up. I really think that we are making strides in society. I also think that people are starting to realize that being fat is not all that horrible...
  2. stillblessed23

    How do you cook your Turkey?

    Ok so I have been in charge of cooking the Turkey for the past couple of years I have been watching food network trying to get some ideas on how to make it better this year. Frying is out because I live in an apartment, I was thinking about using a brine again I did that one year and it turned...
  3. stillblessed23

    Name a song from the last letter, part III

    yesterday- Boys II Men
  4. stillblessed23

    Monster house

    Monster House. lol I have to say that I shamelesly watched this cartoon movie on t.v today even though I wonder just how appropriate it is for children lol. I am thinking it was created by an undercover FA lol. If you haven't seen it I won't give it away, lets just say there's little man in love...
  5. stillblessed23

    What is your "sexy" food?

    lol images of cucumbers and bananas just flashed through my mind!
  6. stillblessed23

    Is Fat the new step in evolution?

    I see what your saying steve, and truly I have been having trouble shaving so many different points down into a concise thesis for my speech lol. It would be nice to believe but it is some point when a person has to say when I agree. I will definetly check out the news week article. Thanks so...
  7. stillblessed23

    Is Fat the new step in evolution?

    I have to write a 10 min persuasive speech for my communications class. After much debate I decided to do it on the conspiracy of the diet industry. Now this has been a theory of mine for a while, that the diet, medical, and food industries are working together to make money off of America's...
  8. stillblessed23

    DC/MD/VA Area People: Show Yourselves!!!

    OOH i was waiting to see a thread from MD/DC ppl checking in from B-More and a Dims event in DC would be so awesome.
  9. stillblessed23

    New girl here!

    Very sexy pics you are gourgeous welcome to the boards! - Michelle
  10. stillblessed23

    The Magic Bullet... who's got one??

    My best friend has one and everytime we try to make salsa or chicken salad with it it turns it to mush. We do try to do the pulse like in the infomerchial but maybe we push down to hard lol. I got a black and decker food processor at wal- mart that works great. and it was only $29.95 and it's...
  11. stillblessed23

    25 things that make you who you are

    Ok here's my 25 1. I am a Daddy's girl always have been and always will be I am completely obsessed with my father. 2. I was a catholic school girl from first to 12th grade. Even though I was raised baptist. 3. Everything you heard about all girl catholic school girls is true and I'm...
  12. stillblessed23

    25 things that make you who you are

    lol I too have a very twisted sense of humor Tina and sometimes laugh at things that others would find repulsive lol what can I say I'm a visual person and my mind can take an idea and run with it.
  13. stillblessed23

    Weight Gain in Real Life

    Well I agree with Ivy. Coming from a family who hates the fact that I am fat anyway, even though most of them are fat too, I wouldn't dream of telling them I have purposely made myself this big. I wouldn't say that I am actively gaining now. I had kind of set my goals back in 2004 for about...
  14. stillblessed23

    Sites that inspired you?

    That was the first weight gain story I ever stumbled across, I loved it and read it over and over I had to be about 14 or 15 at the time. It was at that time that I started to look up bbw and weight gain sites stumbled across fat nats, kelli girl, fatten up, dimensions, and your site dr. feeder...
  15. stillblessed23

    Landmark people in your 'fat history' ..

    well that was a very intersting an detailed account of your journey. Thanks for sharing and welcome to the boards. I have posted answers to this other times on the boards as has many others. But I would say I had many influential ppl in my "fat hisorty." I guess it is because I am a daddy's...
  16. stillblessed23

    Post Your favorite pics of YOURSELF! Who else?

    Oh what fun, everyones pics look great. My friends are always saying I take to many pics of myself so I guess thes are prob my faves
  17. stillblessed23

    Meal for two?

    lol my thoughts exactly I certaily didn't get too 340 lbs eating appropriate portions lol. My friends boyfriend is always shocked that we finish our food in resturaunts lol and honestly ALL resturant portions are technically enough for two people.
  18. stillblessed23


    lmao fatlane the bunny shorts are hilarious my favorite one is the pulp fiction one
  19. stillblessed23


    I couldn't agree with you more. I saw it twice already, it was amazing. Very size friendly um hence song Big Blonde and Beautiful lol. Just look up the lyrics and you'll see what I mean. But I am in love with Hairspray and Nikki is truly a star. Hope to see her in many many more roles. I think...
  20. stillblessed23

    Falling Over - Help getting up!!

    One thing we do in the ice Cat is actually putting socks on the outside of our shoes. It actually does add extra traction and helps to prevent falls. We just buy a pack or two of cheap socks and roll them on over our shoes. I wish I would have seen a thread like this a few months ago my aunt...