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  1. E

    Todays' Oprah

    One thing i've learned from running my own retirement investment endeavors: The old axiom, "buy what you know" is only somewhat true. What i've found to be FAR more infallible is to "buy what you loathe". Worked like a charm with Martha, Best Buys, AOL... When O goes public, i'm gonna be...
  2. E

    Happy Birthday Saucywench!!

    Verdant and lush??? What's that mean? You got a buncha drunks out in your yard, Sauce? Well, a Big Happy to one of my oldest buds on the www. No... a Big Happy to my long-time bud on the www. Anyway.... I hope you and your drunks are having a FIT!
  3. E


    Love it, Mr B. Got a happy vibe to it. And '69 was a great year! Also a good age, although i'm not there yet. As my late, great friend, C.D. Carter, remarked on his 69th birthday, "Sixty-nine...it's the only age that's also an activity!"
  4. E

    Finally!!!......A TRUE star has been honored.

    I hear ya. Christopher Robin and Winnie are such nambie pambies. Eeyore is a philosopher. Eeyore was always my man.
  5. E

    Fat Arms

    I uhhhhhhhh.........ummmmmmmmmmm......... well, yeah, errrrr........ Uhhhhhhhhh...... Great photos, BB!
  6. E

    such a sad world we live in

    A big ditto (as they say) on that, GWAR. I've been a little sensitive on the subject lately but once in a while, it's just not about me. I'm sorry. I will now extract myself from my hard drive and concentrate on my world, which is actually an extremely non-sad place to be. I hope yours...
  7. E

    such a sad world we live in

    1.) I can't think of anybody on this board (and maybe anywhere else) with whom i can agree to disagree with more respectfully and affectionately. And i do. 2.) I thought our armchair St. Peter's post was passive aggressive...certainly not yours. Sorry if i was unclear. Young people hang...
  8. E

    Dimensions Men I Adore

    I'm reluctant to pick favorites by name and i'm downright loathe to attach the words "love and adore" to it but i gotta say that two who never fail to make me think i'm not wasting my time on the www are Santaclear and Mejix.
  9. E

    Fat Arms

    I usually stay out of these body parts threads but this subject is too near and dear to me. I'm totally with pickleman (and Ned) on this one and i never have known a woman who was at peace with her arms, especially the ones with the best. Yet another mystery of the universe that i'll...
  10. E

    such a sad world we live in

    1. Having: a.)been in the music business and, b.) lived in urban Victorian neighborhoods my entire adult life, i've known many homosexuals as neighbors, friends and colleagues. In 35 years, i can only think one who truly delighted in wholesale showing and telling. The VAST majority of them...
  11. E

    Dammit, BB!!!

    Now that you gotcher stoopid pm box cleaned out, how about hittin' the voice mail??? That tightass lady who says, "I'm sorry. There's no room for your message" and hangs up on me does NOT sound like somebody you'd want representing you. If this is all a scam to try to impress peeps with...
  12. E

    Happy Birthday, Egbert Souse!

    I'll find a different bridge. I don't trust her around my mouthpieces.
  13. E

    Happy Birthday, Egbert Souse!

    Say, Gang... As per usual, i've spent my birthday working on my income taxes. Being self employed and not smart enough to operate one of those computer programs that keeps a running total of income and expenses, it's turning into the usual clusterfrick, if you will. The problem...
  14. E

    Happy Birthday, Dragorat!!

    Hope you had a good one, Dragorat, and i hope the fact that we share this birthday doesn't mean that you also share any of my disorders.
  15. E

    A tribute to Mr. Ned!

    I wholeheartedly agree. The Nedster can say more in a subject heading (without spaces, i might add) than i can with limitless wordage.
  16. E

    a question about pictures for the men

    1. have never in my life requesting a picture from a woman with whom i wasn't very well acquainted, and 2. am mourning the demise of the old "annonymity on the net" concept(remember that?), and am making a statement about it with my very picturelessness, and 3. find all gender...
  17. E

    Happy Birthday, Egbert Souse!

    Neat trick with the mailbox, BB. (I'm gonna ignore this Palm business) Thank you guys so much for the well wishes. And a happy Egbert's B-day to us, one and all. Remember Appamatox! -Egbert
  18. E

    What would you want God say to you?

    "DAMN, boy, am i glad to see YOU here! You got any idea what a bitch it's been to find a saxophone player in this place since Coltrane's last album went platinum???"
  19. E

    I think I give up. (Or, why do I bother?)

    I regret that, probably due to being involuntarily thrown into this infernal Daylight Savings Time system, i lack the energy to spread any more rep around (another infernal system i've been thrown involuntarily into of late). I'll still be laughing tomorrow at this line, though. Probly at...