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  1. M

    Fox Makes You Dumb

    $120 billion, out of $14.3 trillion? That too amounts to no more than a rounding error.
  2. M

    Not Much of a Tax Bite

    Your point was to spend everyone's money with "stimulus" money, then knock at the rich's door and say, "we need to spend your money too! we've exhausted all of ours trying to help the little guy, and to no avail! Unemployement is still sky high, and now money is worthless due to rising/falling...
  3. M

    Obama White House, Pentagon At Odds Over Libya Policy

    Total agreement with mango, Obama was at least 3 weeks too late on this one. About the same as the BP spill clean-up coordination, but not worse than the Afghanistan troop decision. Either way, rarely does President Obama take decisive action (not speech). He's either preemptive or extremely...
  4. M

    Obama White House, Pentagon At Odds Over Libya Policy

    As long as both sides are neutralized, who cares. But if America wanted to oust Gadhafi to protect Libyans, it could easily.
  5. M

    How old is too old for president?

    Either way, it would be better to contract an illness on an effective, sharp brain than to never have a healthy outlook at all. Case in point: Barack Obama.
  6. M

    In 12 Years, Income For Richest 400 Americans Quadruples, Tax Rate Nearly Halved

    And yet why are these prices "falling"...not deflation, no...I've got it! They're returning to actual value after Wall Street tricks inflated their "value". You can't pump additional Monopoly money into the system to "inflate the prices back to quote unquote normal"...:doh: Quit playing games...
  7. M

    President Obama does not like to be corrected by non-important people

    You know what the USA and Spain are also WORLD LEADERS at? Record debt as a percentage of GDP. Even if it means bankrupting the world to finance these "great strides" in "emissions-neutral" alternatives. The USA DOES NOT CHOOSE to dominate solely in that one area; we seek to dominate all areas...
  8. M

    President Obama does not like to be corrected by non-important people

    But half-truths, and everything but the whole truth. There ARE short-term solutions that make us less beholden to OPEC and foreign thugs for oil, if we would just DRILL HERE in the US instead of out-sourcing the needed jobs to PetroBras and Colombia. We need a comprehensive approach: oil, clean...
  9. M

    In 12 Years, Income For Richest 400 Americans Quadruples, Tax Rate Nearly Halved

    How do you get hammered by falling prices?! Everyone knows the currency was inflated dramatically under Bush AND Obama, look at how much less you get for your money! :doh:
  10. M

    President Obama does not like to be corrected by non-important people

    Obama blames 'spectulators' for high gas prices, "enough supply to meet world demand". http://www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5g1V6c2nBOUwt77I2cCFwhM_d_Iow?docId=CNG.c2bfdeae6f04b1a245a230bead308a7a.441 What an economic illiterate! :eek:
  11. M

    Don't Tread On Me And Tell Me It's Raining

    Personally, I would be flying it right below the American flag, or my state's flag, or as a bumper ticker...governments try to infringe on that all the time. If any positive comes from this, it is recognition of a US Flag as legal expression. Beyond that, it probably goes a tad too far, but...
  12. M

    Don't Tread On Me And Tell Me It's Raining

    Why can't you fly the Gadsden Flag as you see fit? Bravo to Brewer.
  13. M

    How old is too old for president?

    Maybe Democrats can get behind this young gun some day? http://thinkprogress.org/2011/04/18/marco-rubio-corporate-tax-dodging-loopholes/
  14. M

    We're Not Broke -- Check This Out

    I'm glad to hear you will be backing the Ryan Plan then! which simplifies the tax code. ;)
  15. M

    We're Not Broke -- Check This Out

    The estimate comes from the nonpartisan Publice Notice, FYI.
  16. M

    Stunner: S&P Revises US outlook to NEGATIVE

    It is, but if we keep this up, we shouldn't expect the AAA bond rating to last. If there is any wisdom to gleam from today's news, it's that the S&P is sending us a clear warning about Obama's current economic path.
  17. M

    It wasn't supposed to pass in the first place...

    I fail to see where the Republicans were in error: they resolved to rally around the Ryan budget. If anything, the Republican caucus displayed an uncharacteristic unity in plan. It's clear now though that Democrats are playing games and offering up no solutions while the country is burning.
  18. M

    Would the West Coast be Better Off Without the Rest of the USA?

    Pretty sure there's no p in Sumter, even though it's pronounced that way....but yeah, southern states were dicking around with state's rights quite a bit.
  19. M

    Stunner: S&P Revises US outlook to NEGATIVE

    $120bil is the "price tag" on lost government revenue from tax cuts "for the ultra-mega-superduper wealthy"? That's chump change! and money well spent on supporting the economy. I'll let the liberals in on the secret: of course we're not interested in making up governemt revenue with...