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  1. M

    A Hyde Park Confession

    So when Gadhafi is toast coming up here in a few days, you won't be out in the streets? I'll bring the drinks & toilet paper. :D Instead of teepeeing, we'll make Gadhafi tents! :eat1:
  2. M

    Killing Osama, Resolving Nothing

    We sealed the deal and made sure of it, and afford the Iraqi people political freedom at our expense. Now, they'll likely buddy up with China&Iran and Persianify the entire Jasmine Revolution, proliferate Iranian&NKn weapons, and usher in the 12th Imam (the 'twelvers'). Same Axis of Evil...
  3. M

    Jokes Re Osama Bin Laden's Demise

    thread merger? this is like the trillionth Osama thread this minute.
  4. M

    How soon before they say binLaden is not dead?

    As if I really enjoy playing a 'conspiracy theorist'...Obama got Osama, & got him good. Kudos to Obama. Having the good sense to surge in Afghanistan, use predator drones, & now hunt down Osama. Obama always stanced himself as "tough on Afghanistan, but time to pull out of Iraq", so Afghanistan...
  5. M

    How soon before they say binLaden is not dead?

    Of course it's undermining our credibility even further than it supposedly already has, and I think we're trying to hand Obama the re-election on a silve platter because we love having someone to pick on. Republicans need to get about 10mil times more serious about defeating Obama in 2012.
  6. M

    How soon before they say binLaden is not dead?

    You know, this whole deather phenomena is really undermining the constitutional legitimacy of the birther debate. 2012 and Change can't come soon enough.
  7. M

    Killing Osama, Resolving Nothing

    Everybody and their mom in the world thought Saddam was a Gadhafi on steroids itching to murder more blood in the region. In that sense, it was an extension of the War on Terror at the state level. Obviously misguided based on the intel, but Saddam chose to defy UN weapons inspectors anyway, and...
  8. M

    Killing Osama, Resolving Nothing

    So you support a coalition-based War on al-Qaeda (since it's not just Osama behind any given attack, it's a whole network of conspirators), but not military invasions? Afghanistan made total sense, because the Taliban government completely facilitated al-Qaeda, but in terms of nation-building...
  9. M

    How soon before they say binLaden is not dead?

    Burying bin Laden at see was just fine, and the whole muslim burial ritual thing is fine too. Shit, people should relax and sit on good news for 2.5 seconds. Who gives a shit about the conspiracy theories? For the double-standard of 'birther' speech being banned in HP, the 'deather'-drivel...
  10. M

    Killing Osama, Resolving Nothing

    You really don't have a basis to claim something like that "What if" "coulda woulda shoulda"...to answer the thread, killing Osama resolved Osama's existence. That is exactly what it resolved.
  11. M

    A Hyde Park Confession

    Who forgot exactly? Heaven forbid we somehow go after people of a minority race, or a countersocietal religion...it might offend them! Where are all the Islamic charities helping millions around the world? Oh yeah...Christianity does that. Was that too religionist to be goodspeech? I...
  12. M

    How soon before they say binLaden is not dead?

    Maybe I should listen to the self-appointed Constitutional scholar that violates the Constitution daily. :rolleyes:
  13. M

    A Hyde Park Confession

    Am I glad that Osama bin Laden had to physically be killed, or blindly broadened the scope of his terror activities? No, I absolutely pity the individual and the unfortunate events that followed (even yesterday). But I have no reason to apologize for upholding the rule of law, whether he was...
  14. M

    A Hyde Park Confession

    Defending my nation from terrorist threats foreign and domestic is entirely pertinant to the thread. Of course I cooperated.
  15. M

    A Hyde Park Confession

    You regret our nation's need to celebrate victory in conflict brought to our doorstep, and make an OP aplogizing on behalf of America for basically "stooping so low". If people in foreign nations are so blind to the 3000 innocent people that died in cold blood that they cheer in hatred of "all...
  16. M

    A Hyde Park Confession

    Nothing simply happens. But if I weren't around a bunch of Suadi pilots all day, I would've held my own frat party with the Red, White, & Blue. This whole issue goes back to the core of how liberals would have dealt with 9/11: set up a commission, impose new regulations, but never go on offense...
  17. M

    How soon before they say binLaden is not dead?

    President Obama has always been anti-American to the core (ask his "God Damn America" pastor, or his fuckbuddy and book author Bill Ayers), we just never fully understood why. If it weren't a good Catholic joke, I would be more offended about making light of the holy spirit. :P
  18. M

    Canadian election?

    Thanks to the "Federal" Reserve Bank that Woodrow Wilson imposed, along with the League of Nations and other batshit failure ideas? That's not a not on the Adam Smith free market hand, but the people taking taking the arm to slap themselves with idiocy from people like Warren Buffett that have...
  19. M

    A Hyde Park Confession

    Why do people apologize when justice is served on a silver platter? I don't get it.
  20. M

    How soon before they say binLaden is not dead?

    Buying what Lala? Of course we now finally know Obama was born on US soil, but his ideology and loyalties are entirely contrary to the Spirit of America, so it never really mattered where he was physically born, other than legitimacy reasons. I buy Obama is Hawaiian, I buy Osama is dead...