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  1. M

    Defending America

    Not necessarily, but all the God-fearing people in the job force providing for themselves certainly are. In 2012, the impoverished will realize what a phony the '08 Obama campaign was and not bother going to the polls. Between the Republican Presidential debates, early Republican primary date...
  2. M

    Osama Bin Laden is Confirmed Dead!!!!

    Like which ones exactly? Closing Gitmo? Gay marriage rights? Cap & Trade assaults on the economy? He made SO many vague campaign promises, that I doubt you could repeat the claim with any reasonable certainty.
  3. M

    How soon before they say binLaden is not dead?

    Why does anybody care about bin Laden's stupid corpse? Osama is more dead than Obama is a US citizen (so, he's really dead). Please, let's not needlessly roll around in the gutter simply to one-up on partisanship.
  4. M

    Defending America

    No, that's what my Saudi colleagues do when they're too lazy to drive to Orlando for a good time. Only on a major Spring Break do people typically have time to trek to Miami.
  5. M

    How soon before they say binLaden is not dead?

    While we insist on being entirely absurd, an immaculate conception would be characteristic of an antichrist claim. But perhaps he's just the "John the Baptist"-style forerunner of antichrists, leading up to a world figure that will truly institute global slavery. That's what all the 'Obama...
  6. M

    Defending America

    America importing Caribbean and South American poverty, and in sections that vote overwhelmingly Democrat year after year, meanwhile every county besides Miami and Orlando is voting Republican...I just find it hilarious that you cite all the Democrat faithful as having it the hardest. If all the...
  7. M

    Osama Bin Laden is Confirmed Dead!!!!

    Indirectly, of course his presence in the Middle East (and North Africa, like there's any substantial difference at this point). The famous Cairo Speech where he tried to simultaneously side with the govt and the people? If I was an Egyptian listening to that, I would be thinking silently to...
  8. M

    Defending America

    What of it? Florida is not what can be called 'the southeast' in the usual sense. Too many NewYork/Mass transplants putting in speed bumps all the time.
  9. M

    Osama Bin Laden is Confirmed Dead!!!!

    What a moronic take on an important day for freedom. Today, we were rightfully jubilant in defending it.
  10. M

    Defending America

    You either cite extremely liberal states full of Democrats with bleeding-heart social programs, or backwater states with populations of people who voluntarily fail to realize their financial potential. When President Obama is in command of the economy, expect institutionalized poverty to continue.
  11. M

    The New First Lady 2012

    What a shame. The President is an abyssmal failure getting the economy running domestically, so he has to resort to taking credit for a foreign policy victory, due in most part to intellegence, capabilities, and policies made possible by the Republican Congress and the Bush Administration. If...
  12. M

    Defending America

    Okay, now provide the relevant statistics from actual credible, mainstream, non-trash web outfits. Again, life must suck living by the Mexican border. If inequality is what you're witnessing first hand, it is a direct result of the country's bass-ackwards immigration "policy", or lack thereof.
  13. M

    Defending America

    Sounds like corrupt ties to me. Citing someone else's success abroad doesn't bolster the arguement that economic mobility is decreasing. But you end the paragraph what the unrelated assertion anyway.
  14. M

    GPS Maker TomTom Submits Your Speed Data To Police

    This is your precious "govern"ment at work. What a joke, acting like they uphold the rule of law.
  15. M

    Defending America

    Speak for your own fucked-up region then, not the rest of America.
  16. M

    Osama Bin Laden is Confirmed Dead!!!!

    The last thing the Admire-able needs is for the foul nasty ogre to hop aboard. :rolleyes: When aren't you using every oppurtunity to hate America and usher in Marxist rule?
  17. M

    Defending America

    This is me bearing. :) I'm familar with the very term used, it was just applied to a different context, where the Nazi war machine & the Allied Powers made the onslaught that ensued entirely mutual. One might reminded of the kamikaze missions in the Eastern theatre that needlessly killed so...
  18. M

    The New First Lady 2012

    I think people will share the credit between President Obama, President Bush, and of course all the brave men & women who made this outcome possible.
  19. M

    How soon before they say binLaden is not dead?

    It's okay, everyone knows who we're talking about in this case. It's also okay to not be PC about everything.
  20. M

    Osama Bin Laden is Confirmed Dead!!!!

    Better for 9/11 families, I suppose? Uh huh...