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  1. cute_obese_girl

    "Movie Watchers" Baker's Dozen

    NEXT: movies with the word "HOLIDAY" in the title 1. Last Holiday 2. The Holiday 3 Roman Holiday (1953) Heart me some Audrey Hepburn! Shame she was so tiny. 4. Mr. Bean's Holiday 5. Holiday Heart 6. Holiday Inn - "I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas" . . . 7. The Perfect Holiday 8. Home...
  2. cute_obese_girl

    Free Association III!

    Las Vegas...
  3. cute_obese_girl

    Pierced my ears..

    Boo. Well, all I have to say then is ice/cold pack for the tender lobe. Good luck.
  4. cute_obese_girl

    The new J.J. Abrams Star Trek Reboot...thoughts?

    I actually like the ship. It's the blunt edged saucer shape that makes it look more like the original series ship. As far as the cast: + Zachary Quinto as Spock- love him and we all know he can play emotionless on Heroes +Zoe Saldana as Uhura-Respectable actress, smart, and not bad to look...
  5. cute_obese_girl

    "Movie Watchers" Baker's Dozen

    NEXT Category: Loretta Devine 1. This Christmas 2. Dream Girls 3. FIRST SUNDAY 4. Waiting to Exhale 5. I Am Sam 6. Urban Legend 7. Down in the Delta
  6. cute_obese_girl

    Hot Boy Thread!

    Now there's a reason to watch American Chopper :)
  7. cute_obese_girl

    No Cost/Low Cost Gift Ideas

    S&S, that sounds pretty fun. Lotto scratchers can be exciting too. I remember getting those one time. So many things to think about. This is the first time in 10 years that I will be able to spend Christmas with my family (another reason behind my career change), so that will definitely...
  8. cute_obese_girl

    "Movie Watchers" Baker's Dozen

    NEXT Category: Loretta Devine 1. This Christmas 2. Dream Girls 3. FIRST SUNDAY 4. Waiting to Exhale
  9. cute_obese_girl

    Pierced my ears..

    I believe 18 gauge is the standard for earrings, but don't quote me on it. It sounds like the piercings are pretty new right? I would go back to the place where you had them done and tell them that you are having pain only in the one ear. They should be able to look at it and tell if there is...
  10. cute_obese_girl

    Recent Picture of You......Part IX ;)

    Heehee. Cute :)
  11. cute_obese_girl


    I forget that there's some useful stuff on YouTube too. Thanks for the link!
  12. cute_obese_girl

    Top Chef - New York

    Yay! Can't wait. :)
  13. cute_obese_girl

    Share Your Amazon Wishlist - 2008 Edition!

    It's really fun looking at everyone's wishlists :) Here's mine
  14. cute_obese_girl

    SoVerySoft and those who like funny cakes!

    I totally want that Strawberry Shortcake cake now :D
  15. cute_obese_girl

    BHM's Big Cars

    But it's so worth it. Looks awesome and so do you ;) The '32 Ford is one of my favorite cars. You should go post it in this thread.
  16. cute_obese_girl

    "Music Lovers" Baker's Dozen

    NEXT: THE TEMPTATIONS 1. I Want a Love I Can See 2. My Girl
  17. cute_obese_girl

    The thread for random single confessions Part buttered rolls

    Mystery Science Theatre 3000 was a tv show here. During the show a man and his odd robot/alien? (Honestly I don't know what they were supposed to be) pals watched bad movies and made fun of what they saw on screen. It has a cult following. Some people think it was so stupid it was funny while...
  18. cute_obese_girl

    True Blood

    They weren't the same guy. The politican that went to Lafayette was played by Dan Butler and the vampire judge was played by Zeljko Ivanek They are pretty similar looking.
  19. cute_obese_girl

    True Blood

    You've won a case of Tru Blood :eat2::p I love that he sometimes ends up unexpectedly naked :wubu: You can tell this was originally written by a woman because there is a much greater male eye candy to female eye candy ratio than usual.
  20. cute_obese_girl

    No Cost/Low Cost Gift Ideas

    Thanks, there are some great ideas here. Keep 'em coming folks. I know I'm not alone this year with a budget crunch.