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  1. wrench13

    One Size Fits All

    They are plus size??? Absurd.
  2. wrench13

    Your favorite fat girl features...

    Mostly, it's their personality and character. Let me explain.. Because of the social pressure, most big girls have had to develope these to be popular or at least gain some social status. Thin or otherwise women often rely on their looks and or bodies to attract. That and a big girls soft...
  3. wrench13

    top 10 ways to attract sexy women

    Bah, fing rules for game playing people. Try messing with my head on a date and you'd be calling a cab for yourself.
  4. wrench13

    Can a 700lb girl be on top?

    Atta girl, Pauline!
  5. wrench13

    are you a sex/porn addict?

    Well, I know you're not a sex/porn addict; you're never at any of the meetings!
  6. wrench13

    FA Myth thread # 6

    What a quaint expression for something like this.. out of the closet. How about .. growing the balls to (openly) date who you like. I frankly dont see why fat chicks stand for these secret date types. If the woman I am with was so shamed by my freckled, troll face that she wouldn't let her...
  7. wrench13

    A naive Fa?.

    Frankly not surprised by the general tone of that facebook group. We ( Dimmers) tend to forget that we are a VERY small subset of general society, both FAs , and Fat folks who are at least on their way to acceptance. My ex-wife was one of the 'FAs are sick" types (which came out in...
  8. wrench13

    Face or figure?

    I find a wide range of facial types attractive, as my friends point out to me. Not really into classic 'pretty' types, more the interesting face type - I forget who said it or the specific quote but something to the effect " Beauty hath its charms in excess". But the body - must be a...
  9. wrench13

    competition to see whos fatter :P

    Now this is the kind of sports I like to read about! LOL, you're prolly reducing this poor friend of yours to a mindless shell when the two of you start in with him.
  10. wrench13

    Does the true hourglass female body shape exist?

    All the shapes mentioned exist, in all kinds of women. THere are tiny little hourglass girls, quite large apple girls and supersized pears and everything inbetween, all have thier admirers. And Supero, IMHO are neither hourglass, pear, or apple. Under it all, you are just plain old... beautiful.
  11. wrench13

    FA Myths thread # 4

    IMHO FAs are no different then the general population , in the sense that some will be merely out for the body, and some want the whole package. Heck, I know several guys who have 'average' size wives, a couple are stunningly beautful. Two in particular are classic air heads, and man I cant...
  12. wrench13

    FA Myths thread # 1

    FA Myth # 3 More to do with FA who are 'out'. The Myth, especially amoung friends and family - "FAs find ALL fat women attractive and sexy" . Wrong. We find individual women attractive, as our tastes and wants dictate. If I have one more person ask me if Mrs Hogget from 'Babe" is sexy....
  13. wrench13

    Queen Vic's bloomers!

    Victoria Regina was a short fat little woman, who ruled England with an iron fist, stood up to the powers of the Continent and kicked thier asses, and was adored and venerated by her subjects. Tell me big women are not movers and shakers.
  14. wrench13

    Are FA/FFAs and potential SOs too selective?

    When the ex and I were talking with the marriage councilor, he made it clear that women are attracted to power, success and wealth. My ex-wife agreed 100%. My own opinion was that personal deveopement, growth and personality were what makes for attraction. I was ridiculed by both, that I had...
  15. wrench13

    BBW Complaint Thread.....

    The movie is "Young Frankenstien"
  16. wrench13

    Is it really worth it to be open about being an FA?

    Gahhhh - so much introspection... drowning in it. The whole out of the closet thing. Look, if you like fat girls, date them. Believe me, all will know you like them, it's not like you can hide the girl. Peope who need the approval of others to become satisfied with themselves make me sick...
  17. wrench13

    More to Love TV Show

    I watched it. 1) Reality TV, like ANY tv show, is designed to do one thing... make you watch more of it, so the producers can charge more for the advertising. these shows are for the most part scripted or heavily directed, so take what the contestants and the bachelor say with a large...
  18. wrench13

    Plus-sized TV shows find big audience

    Thats cuz most Aussies don't know an ass from a hole in the ground! ( Sorry - that was too good an oportunity to use that joke... )
  19. wrench13

    FAs, how often do you check out the Paysite Board?

    Um, can't talk....... checking out paysite.... Of course the poll will show that no one goes every day - in fact never! And that is why the paysite board is head and shoulders above the other other boards in number of views; in fact is it twice as popular as the next most viewed board and...
  20. wrench13

    What do you look for in a BBW/BHM?

    Thats it? Two people besides me have an ideal fantasy / dream lover ? Two. Out of all the FA / FFA on Dimensions? Sheesh, people, have they shoved a stick up our collective asses so far, that only two people 'sides me dare to enucnciate this? And on the FA/FFA forum, no less.