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  1. Zowie

    Gentlemen, Post An Awesome Pic Of Yourselves

    This is going to seem ridiculous, but I am in love with the eyebrows on the girl behind you. To the point where I had a dream last night that I had awesome eyebrows like her. Keep partying hard, sir.
  2. Zowie

    What are you unhappy about today?

    You sure it wasn't the one that just LOOKS like the Microsoft update? That one pissed me off to no end.
  3. Zowie

    What did you say to me?!

    My high-school biology teacher was a hard-core Newfie. She's the reason I didn't continue down the science path.
  4. Zowie

    What did you say to me?!

    HAHAHA, sweetie, what a... manly voice you have! You might wanna fix that link!
  5. Zowie

    What are you unhappy about today?

    Hahaha, we have wolf-spiders all over the place. Centipedes... I wouldn't be able to deal with. No creepy crawlies, thank you.
  6. Zowie

    What are you unhappy about today?

    You should! I'll let you sleep on my -possibly- infested couch and meet my hilariously grungy roommate. And then we'll go get coffee with Surly.
  7. Zowie

    What are you unhappy about today?

    No, of course I understand, and there are a lot of freeloaders. But thre are lots of people who actually need that help - and yes, maybe it becomes a little unfair if they're living in a beautiful place and you have an overpriced shithole (come see my place, sometime!). I'm a little against the...
  8. Zowie

    What are you unhappy about today?

    It sucks, yes, but it's part of the social contract. There's a lot of people out there who actually NEED government help - because honestly, minimum wage (even when it's at a 'reasonable' level like in Canada), isn't enough to live on if one expects a half-decent life. Yes, it should be on a...
  9. Zowie

    The thread for random single confessions!

    I'm worried that you didn't know this before. Vanilla Rice Krispies and chocolate milk is my favourite combo.
  10. Zowie

    What are you unhappy about today?

    Yeah, but it makes sense. I get pissed off when people with decent incomes take low-cost appartments to save cash - leaving me, the poor-ass student, to pay an assload a month for a completely shitty place. There should be some sort of sliding scale.
  11. Zowie

    Biggest. Turn-Off. Ever

    You complain that I disagree with you too much? Can you imagine three of us? You'd be whipped.
  12. Zowie

    Biggest. Turn-Off. Ever

    Hahaha, this is more canadian than he can handle.
  13. Zowie

    Biggest. Turn-Off. Ever

    Let's all get married. I love you two.
  14. Zowie

    R A N D OM Awesomeness

    I knew about that meme before you posted it. Ugh.
  15. Zowie

    BHM Online Dating?

    Haaaah SOOOO I don't know about dating sites, but I met Hozay on this board as well, we've been together a while now. I think, so much less as dating sites, is to go about and just meet people, online or not. Eventually you get lucky, no?
  16. Zowie

    The thread for random single confessions!

    Hahahaha, I've kept my weasel-rage to a minimum for the last few days... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pRIPUclZ_Uc
  17. Zowie

    Gentlemen, Post An Awesome Pic Of Yourselves

    Obviously, you didn't play up the FAB-U-LOUSSSSSS angle, mind you. Wasn't it for a spa/hairsalon?
  18. Zowie

    What are you happy about today?

    Heh, who you were, what we both did in life, how we met, adresses, postal codes, shoe sizes how long I was stayin, shit like that. But he asked every question several times over to make sure I had my story straight. And its cold on the plane. I'll take it off when I land. My explosive...
  19. Zowie

    What are you happy about today?

    Well I'm french-canadian, and will fully admit to being rude and a terrible driver. Also, I'm writing this from the airport, waiting to board a plane to Arizona. :D I did get my ass grilled at customs though. They really need to be careful of us brown people. I could have a bomb hidden in...
  20. Zowie

    What do women look for in a man?

    Oh shit, I have a gigantic bottle we somehow adopted, I'll have to bring it by when I'm back. Neither me or my roommate eat ketchup... we're too hipstah for that shit.