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  1. Zowie

    What do women look for in a man?

    Hahaha, did she do your laundry this time again?
  2. Zowie

    The thread for random single confessions!

    I will take this picture.
  3. Zowie

    What do women look for in a man?

    I'll say, the short hair totally has it's advantages. I'm not saying, just saying.
  4. Zowie

    What are you happy about today?

    Unfortunately, the only Canadian on this board who says 'aboot' is Djudex. :D The rest of us are civilized and accent-less.
  5. Zowie

    The thread for random single confessions!

    Hahaha, don't play it down. What he truly said was, "You actually BOUGHT those?!" I could hear the contempt in your typing... and then you showed me shoes made out of hemp.
  6. Zowie

    What did you buy today?

    Yeah! On St-Denis and roughly Roy, but I can't remember the name of the store. Lots of punk/gothic stuff, very cool place. And the woman who helped me was totally awesome.
  7. Zowie

    T M I, W T F Thread

    If people had that sort of thing on their tombstones, I'd love going to the cemetery.
  8. Zowie

    Biggest. Turn-Off. Ever

    Good lord, what a shitfest. HeavyDuty, I apologize if you were offended, I know it sounded harsh, but it was meant constructive criticism. You're entirely right, it's a free world, and you can type however you want. [/shitfest]
  9. Zowie

    Pet peeves

    lulz :p morecharactersplzandthankya.
  10. Zowie

    What are you happy about today?

    Hahaha, that's cute. Mine is all pissed off because we changed the windows, so now he can't hop onto the sill without sliding off (it's a BIG cat), so in the morning he comes and bugs me until I lift him up onto it so he can sit and watch the neighbourhood. Also, it's my last day in...
  11. Zowie

    Biggest. Turn-Off. Ever

    Hey, I do that. I get all the hottest ass that way.
  12. Zowie

    Biggest. Turn-Off. Ever

    Woah, relax - I didn't mean it as a personal attack, nor as a response to what you posted, it was just in the same line of thought. I'm just saying, when text is your only medium, doing it properly can go a long way. It was meant as a helpful hint. Although I'm curious now. What WOULD you say...
  13. Zowie

    Biggest. Turn-Off. Ever

    Look, I know I'm an awful bitch, but you need to be told straight. Your posts are atrocious to read. You need a space between ANY punctuation mark and the next work. You need to use caps. You need to not use 'lol' unless you're being ironic or it is truly laugh-out-loud funny. It's not a word...
  14. Zowie

    What turns you on?

    Told you, dump your husband and move here! :p
  15. Zowie

    What turns you on?

    No joke, I'm stupidly well attuned to great-smelling men. Because of some hasty shopping, I'm using a man-smelling deodorant, as well as using my brother's shampoo. Every once in a while I get a whiff, and spin around searching for the hunk that this delicious male-scent is coming from, until I...
  16. Zowie

    Biggest. Turn-Off. Ever

    Yeah, but it's also a question of what people consider to be good hygiene - you say you shower twice a day, I find that excessive. My general idea is, as long as there are no offensive smells and you've showered at least once in the last 24 hours, you're in the clear. I dated a guy who'd give...
  17. Zowie

    What did you buy today?

    I shouldn't have, but I did. NO REGRETS. My first pair of Doc Martens! Kicking heads with victorian elegance!
  18. Zowie

    Things the opposite gender should know

    Dear men, you're generally pretty awesome and a heck of a lot 'better' than most women. Keep up the good work, and thank you for not being catty.
  19. Zowie


    These... I did a million and a half online clothing stores yesterday. Couldn't find anything decent at modcloth, that was a first. So, regular shops r' us. The first is Mango, the second is Zara.
  20. Zowie

    What is/are your signature perfume(s)?

    Dior's Escale a Pondicherry. I don't know if you can get it in the States or in Canada, my bottle was aquired in London, and in other european duty-free stores. I love it, I never get tired of smelling it.