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  1. LinathSuru

    FA and BBW Otakus

    Hehe. Never seen Cowboy Bebop but it is on my ever-growing list due to numerous recommendations. :)
  2. LinathSuru

    90's gaming

    Not sure if they were from the 90s, but these were all games I enjoyed in various stages of growing up: Chrono Trigger, Zelda: A Link to the Past, The Secret of Everquest, Final Fantasy VII (replaying this now actually), Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest, Final Fantasy VIII, Super Mario RPG...
  3. LinathSuru

    Dimm's Miseltoe Spot

    *Peeks in shyly and offers a kiss to each person currently under the mistletoe.* Happy Holidays. :)
  4. LinathSuru

    Divinity Cake - by LinathSuru (~BBW, ~FA, Erotica, Eating, Feeding ~XWG)

    :blush: Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed it. It does continue, yes, though I've yet to write the next chapters. Soon though, I hope. :)
  5. LinathSuru

    90s TV Nostalgia

    Wow. I'd forgotten this show, but I do remember loving it. *Goes to watch some on youtube.*
  6. LinathSuru

    FA and BBW Otakus

    They're definitely on my list. :) I'll be sure to report back when I've seen them though. :)
  7. LinathSuru

    FA and BBW Otakus

    I love Anime! My favorites include Trigun, Hellsing, Sailor Moon :blush:, Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke, Castle in the Sky... and I'm sure others I'm forgetting.
  8. LinathSuru

    BHM Cravats and Coat Tails - by Xyantha (~BHM, ~~WG, Romance)

    I wish I'd been able to read this in one sitting rather than over the course of several. There are just so many small delights to be found in it that I wish I could quote to properly express my enjoyment of them. Ah, well, suppose it will have to suffice to say I love the tale. I love the...
  9. LinathSuru

    Size Discrimination - A Call To Action

    I read into this a lot when I first heard about it a few weeks ago. Jackie said that she had done a photo shoot with a friend of hers without a contract or with one that had relatively limited language. Said friend had kept them in their portfolio and unfortunately has the rights to sell them to...
  10. LinathSuru

    Divinity Cake - by LinathSuru (~BBW, ~FA, Erotica, Eating, Feeding ~XWG)

    Aww, I'm quite pleased you think so, Bluestreak. :) Thank you. :)
  11. LinathSuru

    Divinity Cake - by LinathSuru (~BBW, ~FA, Erotica, Eating, Feeding ~XWG)

    Aww, thank you very much. As a foodee it's only naturally for me to focus on such things as the taste and texture of what she's putting in her lovely mouth. :) I'm very glad you enjoy it. Awww. :blush: Thank you very much! I'm very glad you enjoy it, and quite pleased you find it so sexy...
  12. LinathSuru

    Divinity Cake - by LinathSuru (~BBW, ~FA, Erotica, Eating, Feeding ~XWG)

    [Author's Note: This next set of chapters definitely includes some erotica, so I validate that tag here. Just so you know. :blush: I still am rather nervous writing such, though I'm assured my being nervous is entirely unfounded. I hope you enjoy the continuation of the story.] Lips His...
  13. LinathSuru

    I'm terrified.

    I'm sorry you're going through such a rough time. As a constant worrier myself I can totally sympathize with your anxiety over the possibility of diminished attraction on one part or the other. I wish the best for both of you. As far as counseling... You might be surprised. You might not. I...
  14. LinathSuru

    Thinner wife = happier marriage

    WOW... That is such a load of crap. Why do people do this kind of research? I'll never get it.
  15. LinathSuru

    Being Fat is now illegal in Japan

    Fair enough, M2M, I didn't really pause to think about the distribution of women's weight until after I'd posted. Thank you, by the by, for your rather informative post. I enjoyed reading it. :)
  16. LinathSuru

    Being Fat is now illegal in Japan

    I found that odd too.
  17. LinathSuru

    Holiday Clothing Sale this weekend in Santa Ana CA

    Nice designs! Good luck to your friend with her sale! :)
  18. LinathSuru

    Tell me about your 'dream' store ...

    I would think the dream store for a BBW would understand that general forms don't necessarily work as intended on larger people. Sure, that skinny bland t-shirt cut works fine for anyone under a certain size even though all bodies come in different shapes, but as you get larger the differences...
  19. LinathSuru

    Divinity Cake - by LinathSuru (~BBW, ~FA, Erotica, Eating, Feeding ~XWG)

    Thank you! I'm so glad you like it! :) Many more chapters will be coming, I assure you. I just wrote five tonight actually. I seem to be doing these in bursts of five so... Enjoy~ Aww, thank you so much! :blush: I'm really glad you enjoyed it that much. There's much more to come though, so...
  20. LinathSuru

    Divinity Cake - by LinathSuru (~BBW, ~FA, Erotica, Eating, Feeding ~XWG)

    Preferences The hours seemed to crawl by now that Erica knew what would be on the menu for dinner. She'd find herself daydreaming about the taste of Julius' crab legs in the middle of her reading, her place lost to her, her attention divided. This had been the case with food for the last few...