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  1. N

    The Royal Wedding--does anyone care?

    As far as the wedding, no, I didn't care. I cared about hockey instead. However, I figure there are probably several people who would disagree with me. That's their opinion, and I have mine.
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    Defending America

    The thing about our president being president of the world, well, we actually never asked for the job. It just happened to fall to us after World War II. We used to operate under isolationism. That didn't work because of Hitler and Mussolini, who would have controlled the entire world if they...
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    GPS Maker TomTom Submits Your Speed Data To Police

    Good thing I will never get a GPS, then.
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    Electability of the Donald

    I'm actually not a radical conservative at all. I just appear to be radical here because this site is very liberal. There is actually a fair amount of room to the right of me. Really, I'm a standard conservative. I'm not John McCain, but I'm not Ron Paul either. That also skews the perception...
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    Electability of the Donald

    You misunderstood my meaning. In no way are Donald Trump and Barack Obama similar. The meaning is that by voting for Donald Trump, the result is that enough votes will be siphoned off from legitimate other candidates that the White House will inadvertently be delivered to Obama. The saying means...
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    Electability of the Donald

    If we nominate Trump, we deserve exactly what we'll get...four more years on the wrong path. A vote for Donald Trump is a vote for Barack Obama.
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    Looks Like Republicans Are Having Trouble With Their Own Constituents

    Let's hope not. I'd love to see people start to wake up, but this doesn't give much optimism.
  8. N

    Will Vermont be America's Saskatchewan?

    1. Two things. One, it gives the government way too much power. I want the government to stay out of my life as much as possible. A single-payer system eliminates all choice, increasing our dependence on government. I see anything that unnecessarily increases our dependence on government to be a...
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    Who's your daddy...um candidate for 2012?

    If he's content to stay as a representative only, then fine. My issue is his attempts to run for president. I don't care if he wants to be in the House.
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    Anti-Abortion Legislation About Control -- Just Like Rape

    Does this mean we'll have the FieldTurf movement in 2020?
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    2011 NFL Thread

    So the lockout has been forced open and is now headed to the appeals process. I'm honestly worried about what will happen here.
  12. N

    Who's your daddy...um candidate for 2012?

    Tim Pawlenty or Mike Huckabee. They would both be excellent candidates, and Obama would have a tough time beating either one of them. Mitch Daniels could also get my vote. I just pray it's not Sarah Palin or Ron Paul. Obama is very, very beatable, but only if the Republicans nominate a strong...
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    Will Vermont be America's Saskatchewan?

    Of course I didn't read it. I don't need to. You comparing it to Canada's system tells me all I needed to know. I do NOT want Canada's healthcare system down here. Can our healthcare be reformed? Yes. But a single-payer system or a public option would be a very, very bad decision. I much prefer...
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    Anti-Abortion Legislation About Control -- Just Like Rape

    So true. Seeking control is just ridiculous. My position is because I believe it is a human life from conception. It would be no different if men got pregnant.
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    Virgin Roll Call

    23-year old virgin and proud of it.
  16. N

    Will Vermont be America's Saskatchewan?

    Massachusetts already did this, and nobody has followed. It's going to be like every other ultra-liberal idea: it's going to get contained to New England and that's it. Maybe California or Oregon or another liberal state will follow, but odds are it will be in only five states, since I can't see...
  17. N

    How old is too old for president?

    Except the Alzheimer's-affected old man did a much better job running the country than the guy we have now. I will gladly take the Alzheimer's-affected old man.
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    How old is too old for president?

    Actually, it's pretty impressive. A man with Alzheimer's was one of our greatest leaders ever. If that performance is typical at all, I hope our next president has the beginning stages of Alzheimer's.
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    Not Much of a Tax Bite

    I sure hope it was. Maybe his contribution can get my taxes down.
  20. N

    Not Much of a Tax Bite

    It does matter, actually. The government kind of takes away taxes throughout the year. So if you have $100,000 and had to pay an additional $4,000, then yes, that can definitely be seen excessive. I find it hard to believe that the money that was withheld from your paycheck all year was...