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  1. N

    Say what you will, but we are in for Obama term II

    I disagree. I think Palin actually helped McCain because before she lost her mind and started unintentionally helping the Democrats by nominating candidates who are useless (Christine O'Donnell, seriously?), she was able to energize the conservative base. In my opinion, having Sarah Palin on the...
  2. N

    Was George Bush so bad?

    As we learned when Bush was presented with that scenario in 2006 by Pelosi and Reid.
  3. N

    More than 80 percent of Americans want to tax the rich

    Nope. If we go to the consumption tax, nobody would pay for Turbo Tax, because Turbo Tax would have no use. Likewise, the multimillionaire would have no tax return to file. If we go to the consumption tax, which we really should do, NO INCOME TAX.
  4. N

    Can We Oust Syria's Assad Now?

    We probably should have done this before we went after Libya. It's a good idea, but we are on too many fronts as it is. Really, we should pull from Libya if we're even going to think about going after Syria.
  5. N

    More than 80 percent of Americans want to tax the rich

    How about we just...don't focus on taxing the rich? Switching to a flat consumption tax with no income tax would solve a lot of problems.
  6. N

    Was George Bush so bad?

    No. Absolutely not. George W. Bush never was and never will be as bad as Democrats say he was, and what we've seen with Barack Obama has proven that George W. Bush wasn't even as bad as I thought he was. I'm sorry, George. America was better off with you in the White House. Barack Obama has...
  7. N

    Say Goodbye to the Freedom of the Press

    I hope the press in America does call them out on this. That's wrong.
  8. N

    More than 80 percent of Americans want to tax the rich

    Wow. I have never seen a more misleading headline on this site. If anyone had bothered to read the actual poll that the Wall Street Journal conducted, they would have discovered that the 80 percent figure has nothing to do with taxing the rich. In fact, that's not even a question in the poll...
  9. N

    Conservatives and abortion

    It's pretty simple: the most basic individual right is the right to life. It makes perfect sense to try to prevent that right from being taken away, and that is what pro-life people are trying to do. If the GOP doesn't stand for the right to life, its other protections of individual rights are...
  10. N

    Ron Paul supports Defense of Marriage Act

    One of the few areas where I agree with Ron Paul completely.
  11. N

    Mayor Bloomberg to sign Smoking Ban Bill

    Like I said, your rights end where mine begin. My choice not to smoke does not harm anyone else. Your choice to smoke does harm other people.
  12. N

    Mayor Bloomberg to sign Smoking Ban Bill

    Personal experience good enough research for you? I've been around cigarette smoke. I've been around marijuana smoke. I don't enjoy being around cigarette smoke, but I can handle it in limited quantities. Marijuana smoke is so toxic to my body that I can't be around it for five minutes before...
  13. N

    Illinois Refuses to Drink the Kool-Aid

    That's not going to last. The market can't support it for long and it's going to come crashing back down. I thought the oil companies had learned their lesson, but apparently not, so get ready for $1.75 gas again in a year. Really, this is just dumb. If these people want to send the...
  14. N

    Is the Teaparty over?

    God forbid. No chance would I vote for that nut job. The man would do the impossible: make Barack Obama look good. Personally, I don't want another president whose most notable achievement is making his predecessor look good. Go ahead, talk about it. It's not relevant to anything on this...
  15. N

    Is the Teaparty over?

    I've had the opposite experience. Only one of the five newspapers I've worked for has not been liberal, and they do write that way. I am one of a very small number of conservative journalists. Some papers are conservative, but most are not. For the record, I think newspapers should not...
  16. N

    I really hate this paranoia about Muslims

    Paranoia over any religion is just wrong.
  17. N

    Illinois Refuses to Drink the Kool-Aid

    Boy, do I feel good about the fact that I decided to move to Iowa and not Illinois. This is just idiocy.
  18. N

    Is the Teaparty over?

    Yeah, they'll cover stories, but that doesn't mean they don't have and show a liberal bias.
  19. N

    Is the Teaparty over?

    Which makes sense, because in Eisenhower's time, the Republicans were liberals. Kennedy would be a Republican if he ran today.
  20. N

    Is the Teaparty over?

    Good for you. I'm in the paper just about every day, sometimes in multiple stories. The byline does show up quite a bit.