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  1. N

    Is the Teaparty over?

    No, it isn't. If it was, the New York Times would not publish a lot of what it does, nor would MSNBC broadcast what it does. If the conservative corporations are running the media, they're doing a terrible job giving their own side a voice.
  2. N

    Is the Teaparty over?

    Yes, and someday, the mainstream media will reveal it...I think. Of course, the mainstream media loves Obama so much that I doubt they will. Don't try playing the media card with me. I am part of the media.
  3. N

    Mayor Bloomberg to sign Smoking Ban Bill

    I see nothing wrong with that. Marijuana use is not a victimless crime. Your rights end where mine begin. I am only slightly less opposed to cigarettes than I am to marijuana because cigarette smoke doesn't hurt me as much as marijuana smoke. If I had my way, they would both be illegal...
  4. N

    You can blame Bush for Middle East uprisings

    Personally, I will blame Clinton. Sudan offered him Osama bin Laden's head on a platter and he said no. Bush did right by taking the lead on this, and to his credit, Obama has broken his promise to end the war without a viable situation in Iraq left behind. However, had Clinton captured bin...
  5. N

    Is the Teaparty over?

    You know, there actually were some decent points to this discussion at one point. Is there a rule that says we can't have any civil discussion here?
  6. N

    Mayor Bloomberg to sign Smoking Ban Bill

    Hey, I wouldn't mind making them illegal.
  7. N

    Mayor Bloomberg to sign Smoking Ban Bill

    I like it. Why should I be made to suffer from someone else's choice? I am all for banning cigarettes.
  8. N

    Is the Teaparty over?

    No, I know it was the majority who supported him. I just have a sneaking suspicion that the majority of voters who supported him now regret doing so...and I'm probably right.
  9. N

    Is the Teaparty over?

    As far as the Tea Party goes, it has some good traits and some bad traits. Idea-wise, it's a good thing. However, it has proven so rigid and uncompromising that it can sometimes do more harm than good. Its main flaw is that its followers do not realize it is better to get something than nothing...
  10. N

    Is the Teaparty over?

    You didn't vote for Obama either? Good for you.
  11. N

    Extreme Weather -- The New Normal

    That's really what happens when you hire Dino Gaudio and Jeff Bzdelik. Wake had pieces but made two disastrous hires.
  12. N

    Oh no, not Jennifer Hudson...

    I've probably said it before, but as long as she's not singing One Shining Moment this year, I'm cool with whatever she does. One month until I find out whether I have to mute it and play David Barrett instead.
  13. N

    Extreme Weather -- The New Normal

    Very true. The Demon Deacons are HORRIBLE.
  14. N

    Dear Chick-Fil-A: Suck my balls.

    Right, they will be gone in 20 years, and that's exactly why he says Canada will recriminalize gay marriage: it's going to have no choice because of people dying off, which would cause the population to drop to a level that is too low to support its government if nothing is done about it. That's...
  15. N

    Extreme Weather -- The New Normal

    Of course the ACC is real. I mean, damn, we're having a down year, but we'll still get four or five teams in the NCAA tournament.
  16. N

    More Arizona Insanity

    Actually, most Hispanics who can vote were FOR Arizona's illegal immigration bill, by a margin of about two-thirds. It was actually the Democrats who were turning off Hispanic voters with their position, and the illegal immigration law is credited as why Jan Brewer won reelection. I'm not...
  17. N

    Dear Chick-Fil-A: Suck my balls.

    And if they do, they'll eventually change back, at least according to William Gairdner. The Canadian philosopher says in his latest book that within 30 years, Canada will re-criminalize gay marriage.
  18. N

    So Much for the Texas Miracle

    That's actually true. There are simply differing opinions on how to do it.
  19. N

    Dear Chick-Fil-A: Suck my balls.

    In short, yes. That's an excellent summary. There's not a thing that's disrespectful about that.
  20. N

    Dear Chick-Fil-A: Suck my balls.

    That is a blatant lie. You, personally, aren't giving anywhere near the level of respect being sent out. Plus, the only one who's been tactless throughout the thread has been you. I've actually handled your attacks pretty tactfully without resorting to your tactics. If you were giving the level...