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  1. sobie18

    Recent Picture of You Part X !!!!!!!!!!! :D

    Taken at work...
  2. sobie18

    Vegas 2011

    I'm going to TRY and make it this year...doesn't leave me much time before I leave for Korea in August, though... We'll see...
  3. sobie18

    So I was watching a basketball game....

    I prefer to wear shorts that show some thigh. My legs kick ass. However, not the ones from the 70's & early 80's that I wore... Myself, I cannot stand the look or feel of the baggy shorts. When I go to the gym, I see a lot of baggy/huge b-ball-type shorts. I think most wear them to hide...
  4. sobie18

    Say what you will, but we are in for Obama term II

    Obama will not be getting my vote...sorry.
  5. sobie18

    Classical music, anyone?

    Being a bass player, Bach played an important role in music. All of those composers were brilliant!
  6. sobie18

    Christmas sugar cookies

    Thanks a bunch for the correction! No worries on the cookie shipment. Friendship is the best present.
  7. sobie18

    Christmas sugar cookies

    Yummy...bring them. To me!
  8. sobie18

    Christmas sugar cookies

    I want them. NOW! with or without frosting.... :eat1: :eat2: :eat1: :eat2: Make that SUGAR cookies....not those nasty suagr ones....
  9. sobie18

    Recent Picture of You Part X !!!!!!!!!!! :D

    Halloween party at work...running the pumpkin carry race as Freddy Krueger, sans the mask & glove.
  10. sobie18

    **** Happy Birthday Bonnie !!!! ****

    Happy Birthday!
  11. sobie18

    *** Happy Birthday sobie18 !!! ****

    Thank y'all very much! Ya know, today was also the day the USAF announced the promotion results for selection to E-9/CMSgt (which I was eligible for this year). However, I missed it by 29 pts so we'll study harder next year and blow it out of the water. Today was still a good day...
  12. sobie18

    Post pics of yourself....LIVING

    Playing a gig at a biker bar...
  13. sobie18

    What Are You Listening To? Redux

    The new Iron Maiden CD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :D ;) :smitten:
  14. sobie18

    oy, it's letters to people and things, part deuce!

    Dear boogers and pimples, Enough already! Get lost and leave me alone! :( Me :)
  15. sobie18

    oy, it's letters to people and things, part deuce!

    Dear Body, Please fight off this cold and get back to being healthy. Time for a nap now...K thx bai! Me
  16. sobie18

    oy, it's letters to people and things, part deuce!

    Dear Cell Phone Zombie, Thanks for cutting me off on the road today, as you were so busy talking/texting on your cell phone. I appreciate your lack of concern for other drivers on the road. I have your license plate number and will be paying you a visit real soon. Take care, Me
  17. sobie18

    John Williams Shreds

    Not sure if this has ever been covered before but check out this hilarious John Williams rendition of "2001." Most of these "Shreds" videos were "re-done" and a little parody effort of the original. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UuJrg_U8SNY Maybe a little tasteless in some aspects, but...
  18. sobie18

    Learn 50 Things.....

    1. Do you like blue cheese? No 2. Have you ever smoked heroin? No. I thought heroin was taking intravenous? 3. Do you own a gun? Yes, many guns... 4. Favorite sandwich at McDonalds- Big Mac 5. Do you get nervous before doctor appointments? Sometimes; and then sometimes I start to feel...
  19. sobie18

    Bombshells Pool Party @ the BBW Vegas Bash Wednesday July 14th!

    So wishing I was in Vegas this year...:really sad:
  20. sobie18


    Been playing bass guitar since 1984. And 61 basses later...