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  1. C

    What are you reading ?

    Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safran Foer I've just started (~50 pages), but I think it's amazing!
  2. C

    Current TV show(s) you watch

    Gilmore Girls!!!
  3. C

    Name a song from the last letter, part II

    You are so beautiful - Joe Cocker L
  4. C

    Non-Americans, where ya from?

    Austria, 20 miles off Vienna
  5. C

    Any teachers here?

    Just be yourself. Do things as you usually do them, do things you feel comfortable with... just be authentic. Oh, and don't forget: Wear clothes, if you can manage... :D
  6. C

    I'm new! and I'm gaining!

    Make sure you're gaining confidence too! And have fun! :D :D :D Welcome!
  7. C

    Where are you when you Dimense?

    I'm at my study when I "dimense". Maybe I'll post a pic some day, but good old imagination is more fun sometimes. Though I've got to leave it now, cause I've got to go to work! Enjoy your day/night!
  8. C

    Sleepy pics

    *bows* I'm hopelessly devoted to you all here! :wubu: Funny thing: I sang that song in a musical performance in college about three years ago...
  9. C

    25 things that make you who you are

    Okay, I'll have a start too! 1. I'm 24, Austrian and I love my country. I just love the landscape, the culture and the friends and life I got to know here. 2. I'm really into music. I love singing, playing the piano, playing the french horn and listening to music. But really listening, not...
  10. C

    Sleepy pics

    thanks :blush: You're so sweet!
  11. C

    Dimensions is fattening?

    I'm all for milk and cookies. Mhmmm :eat2:
  12. C

    Sleepy pics

    Already did some, but you'll hopefully get some more. :p
  13. C

    Dimensions is fattening?

    I wouldn't put it on coincidence, but on new confidence. This place is really wonderful and encouraging. Not encouraging to gain weight, but to be what you like to be and live the life you intend to!
  14. C

    Sleepy pics

    Today I was a little sleepy... Had a good laugh while taking the pics, cause some were really ... mhm.... goofy... And it's the first time I'm posting face shots! Huhu!
  15. C

    Harry Potter Spoiler Thread!

    Wow, it was great! But I didn't like the ending! It was so strange to read about an adult Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny who have kids! And it was too short. But the rest was awesome! I had to cry so hard when he went into the forest, prepared to die! That was so sad! But JK Rowling will...
  16. C

    Instrumental Music Thread

    I know it's not instrumental, and really different! But there are lots of instruments, for sure! :D I love it! Dies Irae, Mozart's Requiem http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nl-wRbJoWVA
  17. C

    Change A Letter (5 letters)

    I'm startin with thick again... thick - ticks
  18. C

    Hey, Why Not!

    Wow, how cute! You're really sweet!
  19. C

    Name a song from the last letter, part II

    Touch-a-touch-a-touch-a-touch me - Rocky Horror Picture Show E
  20. C

    What Are You EATING right now?

    pizza and afterwards chocolate chunk cookies with milk. yummy