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  1. B


    Oh hai guise i'mma back! Missed you! FAIL.
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    Dramatic, overly emotional post about how DIMS just isn't the same anymore. Dramatic recounting of times when people chose not to agree with my point of view swiftly followed by a whimsical tale of the anguish i felt because, yeah I'm always right and you guys are clueless morans. Queue...
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    BGP July 5th London

    Ah you guys always look like you have so much fun on these BGP nights out! I'm kind of envious, it's rubbish and dull being stuck up north. I'm totally moving to London when i can afford it! Oh and I am LOVING the timeless classic that is booze stealthily concealed in a bitter lemon...
  4. B

    The thread for random single confessions Part buttered rolls

    Oh man, shit is so cash! We used to get them here and then one day they were no more, i can't even talk about it, I just get too emotional. Word. :bow:
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    The thread for random single confessions Part buttered rolls

    OMG, do you not get Haribo in the states? Please, tell me you do or i may cry for your loss! Saying that you guys get Jolly Ranchers which are just plain amazing... Ugh, now pining for Jolly Rancher goodness! :eat2:
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    The thread for random single confessions Part buttered rolls

    I confess my wisdom tooth hurts like a bugger, mainly due to the fact I'm activating the hell out of it by eating DELICIOUS Haribo... And I just can't stop, the only way I'm letting go of this bag is if some one is prising it out of my cold dead hands! :smitten:Haribo = This fat girls...
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    Best Movie Line Ever?

    Awesomeness packed within quotation marks! "All I have in this world is my balls, and my word, and I don't break 'em for no one, jou understand"? Tony Montana - Scarface. "When you're pushed, killing's as easy as breathing". John J Rambo - John Rambo
  8. B

    Starbucks Boycott/Things that make me laugh, and laugh, and laugh.

    Awesome, I just chugged down some hot Slutbucks. It was extra good and creamy today...Coincidence? I think not, goddamn trollopy coffee mongers! But seriously, WTF, are these people on acid? :doh:
  9. B

    NON Anonymous Crush Thread-Fess Up People :p

    Aww, i just saw this! Thank you chick, i have to admit I'm totally flattered that a foxy red head is crushing on moi! :kiss2: I was up in the Toon today actually, we should have hooked up, you could have translated for me, i swear the Geordie accent is getting more random!
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    Hot Girl Thread

    Hot girls... Rebecca Romijn. Megan Fox, aka the sexy bird out of Transformers. Lisa Marie Presley, i have had a crush on her forever! Maybe it's cause she looks like her Daddy?! <3 the Presleys. :wubu:
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    Happy Birthday Mango!

    Happy Birthday Jay! Hope you have a fabulous day Dear. Saw this and thought of you... "He is the Mango!" :D
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    the ONE thing annoying you the most right now??

    This phone conversation really annoyed me... It basically went like this... Phone - *Ring ring* Me:Hello Him:Oh hey, I'm awesome, wait i need the bathroom so bad.. Me:OK, well go to the bathroom then... Him: I am. Me:What? NOW? Him: It's coming!!!!! *Tinkle Tinkle* Me:Gross. <3
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    Recent pic of you- part VII :D

    My pleasure Justin. ;) You look hot in lace. WIN. I'd like to thank ActionPif for the source of inspiration! ETA: My eyes are now bleeding from over exposure to BGB.
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    Is Dims Becoming a "wtf??" web site?

    I have no idea what is going on here... :confused:
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    Hot Boy Thread!

    Oh damn, that guy is aging like a fine wine. He looks way better now than he did back in the day! Nice addition to the thread! Yummy. :batting:
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    Why Are You Here???

    Hi I'm Becka and I'm a fat girl! I love DIMS, reading other women's experiences, thoughts and feelings on size related matters on this board has really helped me understand a lot about myself and my body. I also find it very interesting to hear FA 's points of views on things. Basically I'm...
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    This Sucks

    Ahhh Snuffy! Yeah so this blows, but i have to take the line of fuck her! You're a great looking and lovely guy, you don't need someone who does that behind your back. I'd say BGB's advice was pretty wrong but solid indeed, and, at the end of it all you may even land yourself a date with...
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    Post a picture of yourself loving on an inanimate object

    Haha, that's brilliant, some serious bear humpage going on in that last pic! Love it! Do it. Please, do it. This definitely needs more ermm, Mano on inanimate hedgehog object tongue action. Snog it! ;)
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    Hot Boy Thread!

    Oh damn, no idea how i forgot this guy! I'm sure he will have been mentioned before but he's another one to add to my collection of hot Joshes! Oh those eyes! :wubu: