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  1. Irena

    The Ulta/Sephora Thread!

    Ulta has a great promotion going on right now...spend 14 bucks and get a 65 dollar makeup bag full of stuff for free....can't pass that up! haha I love that place
  2. Irena

    Calling all Youngsters!

    Sooo, since I havn't been on this site in a lonnggg time, I figured i'd re-post and get re-aquainted with you lovely people. I'm 22, all woman and from NJ (grad from school in RI come may!)
  3. Irena

    Who's Going to the Jersey Bash in April?

    I know I havn't been on here in just about FOREVER lol, but...you can most likely count me in!! :D look forward to seeing everyone again!
  4. Irena

    Official HB Labor Day Bash 2008 Pictures Thread!!

    ok...AMAZING lol. that was soo much rediculously random fun...cant wait to do it again! :D
  5. Irena

    Official HB Labor Day Bash 2008 Pictures Thread!!

    I just wanna say, I had such an amazing time! The more time I spend with you all the more I wanna spend time with you all! :D oh, and for those <<cough cough>> pics I couldnt post here...email me! ;)
  6. Irena

    Official HB Labor Day Bash 2008 Pictures Thread!!

    My addition to this lovely pic thread :D...I hope this works haha, i never post pics on here lol. We salute you Mango :P Did i also mention I LOOVEE Betsey!? albums/pp108/makeyourself7986/DSCN0200.jpg[/IMG]
  7. Irena

    Official HB Labor Day Bash 2008 Pictures Thread!!

    Jimmy and I will officially be there as of tomorrow afternoon!!! :D sooo psyched to see everyone!
  8. Irena

    Official Heavenly Bodies Labor Day BBW Bash In Massachusetts Thread

    seriously....I'm jumping on the sooo psyched bandwagon :D. can't wait!!
  9. Irena

    The show your face/introduction thread

    ohh absolutely! all the new people should come to the NJ bash :D the last one was awesome
  10. Irena

    The show your face/introduction thread

    oh...and speeding too!! :P
  11. Irena

    The show your face/introduction thread

    the only thing that would be more jersey would be if you flipped people off while singing at them...of course with your windows down headed down the parkway ;) haha
  12. Irena

    The show your face/introduction thread

    Welcome hun!! Way to be from NJ also :D. Looks like we're just totally taking over huh? haha. I have to completely second that whole singing at the top of your lungs and hating cold weather thing, maybe they are "jersey things" haha.
  13. Irena

    Pictures With Your Bestest Friend

    This really is a great thread idea...My sister has always and will always be my very best friend :). This pic was taken a couple of weeks ago when we were out celebrating my birthday
  14. Irena

    The show your face/introduction thread

    haha its very true...even if you leave jersey, just something about it pulls ya back! It's a good think i <3 it here lol.
  15. Irena

    The show your face/introduction thread

    seriously...us jersey girls are the best!! :D (and dont u forget it! haha)
  16. Irena

    Update on Aris

    awww, well thanks for the update!! ARRIIISSSS!!! I hope you get well real soon sweetie! :D. Thats totally like you to rock the cast and scooter :P you're just amazing my dear.
  17. Irena

    Happy Birthday KnottyOne!

    Happy birthday sweetie :D
  18. Irena

    Official Heavenly Bodies Labor Day BBW Bash In Massachusetts Thread

    if it makes u feel any better I have every intention of getting even more messed up than i was last time...because clearly I have way too many pics w/ everyone looking fairly sober hahaha :happy:
  19. Irena

    Official Heavenly Bodies Labor Day BBW Bash In Massachusetts Thread

    as long as there is plenty of tide stick to go around, you'll be golden sweetie! :p and btw, i'm soo psyched that its getting closer!!
  20. Irena

    Pre "Labor Day Bash" thread for HB in MA!

    only the best for you huh? :p