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  1. MetalGirl

    the ONE thing annoying you the most right now??

    What's annoying me the most right now is sunburn. I'm burnt, but I'm not as red as Hellboy thank goodness.
  2. MetalGirl

    best animated movie EVAR!

    Definitely WALL-E. And just about anything from Hayao Miyazaki, I'm not that big a fan of anime, but I love his stuff. Seconding Akira, it rocked.
  3. MetalGirl

    the ONE thing annoying you the most right now??

    Patience Jim, Sunday shall come. Patience is a virtue I currently lack because the one thing annoying me now is it's not Sunday. :(
  4. MetalGirl

    15 Things About You

    1. I hate ferrets. 2. I love to swim. 3. Courtney Love's sister was my babysitter. 4. Clowns scare me, but I'm fine with mimes. 5. I have a great love for art. Especially modern art. 6. I can actually get on a skateboard and not kill myself. 7. I'm accident prone, but I've broke no...
  5. MetalGirl

    What did you want to be when you grew up?

    From two years old and up. Baker. Livin' the dream.
  6. MetalGirl

    What's Your Nickname

    Dev, possibly George, and oddly enough Slurpee.
  7. MetalGirl

    oy, it's letters to people and things!

    Dear Mr. Annoying Nasally Guy, I work in close quarters with you and you're a very talkative. I have listen to your constant stream of stupid questions and blurted incoherent statements on a daily basis. Please have mercy on me and shut up for just 5 minutes, 5 minutes a day, that's all...
  8. MetalGirl

    What do you believe on?

    I believe in the molten hot cheese of Hot Pockets.
  9. MetalGirl

    How many women prefer older guys?

    I have a definite preference for older men. An older man won't necessarily be more stable or more mature, but he will have more life experience. And that can lead to some very good conversations and other things. :blush:
  10. MetalGirl

    What song is STUCK in your head?

    Inspite Of Ourselves by John Prine.
  11. MetalGirl

    Fat & Thin Contrasts

    Sorry, my laptop went a little crazy just then... Alright, this is a pic of MetalGirl and JiminOR. Turns out Jim's a really awesome guy. :) http://i509.photobucket.com/albums/s337/MetalGirl360/Us.jpg
  12. MetalGirl

    Favorite Poem?

    Here's one of my favorite poems, it's by E.E. Cummings here's a little mouse)and what does he think about, i wonder as over this floor(quietly with bright eyes)drifts(nobody can tell because Nobody knows, or why jerks Here &, here, gr(oo)ving the room's Silence)this like a...
  13. MetalGirl

    What Are You Listening to Thread- Revisited ;)

    MC Chris Is Dead - MC Chris's new CD.
  14. MetalGirl

    Raging FFA Moment

    Oh yes, but I rein them in and save them up for a loving relationship. If I were in the same situation, I would of felt the way you did. Only, I wouldn't of thrown him down and made passionate love to him. He'd of thrown me down and made passionate love to me. But, really that's just...
  15. MetalGirl

    Learn 50 Things.....

    1. Do you like blue cheese? Yeah. 2. Have you ever smoked heroin? Nope. 3. Do you own a gun? Hell no. 4. Favorite sandwich at McDonalds? Small cheeseburger. 5. Do you get nervous before doctor appointments? Only a bit. 6. What do you think of hot dogs? I love a good kosher hotdog with...
  16. MetalGirl

    The 2008 Singles Thread

    I'm single and loathing it. *Sighs*
  17. MetalGirl

    What's your MIDDLE name?

    I don't have a middle name. If I did my name would be way too long.
  18. MetalGirl

    Shorter BHMs

    To me height's not important. I've been attracted to guys shorter than me, taller than me, and the same height as me. Though, I've always had a soft spot for the short guys.
  19. MetalGirl

    Got myself an FFA GF! :D

    Lucky you, seriously dude. I wish you all the happiness in the world. :)
  20. MetalGirl

    What not to do when trying to woo someone from a personal ad

    Go into a long rant about how evil your Mother is.