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    I want to see Godzilla Vs. Sharktopus. But that's just me.
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    This. One thing you gotta remember, every time you go to a thread, it's a view. Those aren't unique views. So, something like the music thread has close to 1,500 posts, and close to 46,000 views. Roughly 1 response for every 30 views. How many times have you clicked that link to see the new...
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    How do you handle compliments in your relationships?

    Hey sexy, come here often?
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    Favorite part of a movie

    I tell people to get a gosh damn job constantly because of the hobo scene. So much in American Psycho has made it into my (and my whole family's) lexicon. As a matter of fact, when I did my AMA thread on reddit, the ice got broken with an American Psycho reference. It was beautiful. It's...
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    Dat .gif!

    My very favorite. It's a long way, but worth the ride.
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    How do you handle compliments in your relationships?

    Fuck...I knew SOMEONE would come in here and make this creepy. I hate when I'm proven right. (Not you BLK, don't worry.)
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    Post Your Sexiest Pics Nekkid (2)

    Holy FUCK the paddles got put to this thread in a big bad way. :drool:
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    Why is the BHM/FFA board currently so repetitive and boring?

    *clarifies* I kind of meant this for the guys. The female creeper is fewer and farther between. I mean, they exist. Hoo boy do they exist, but it's nowhere near as much of an issue. What I'm trying to get across with this, is that creeping on me, is TOTALLY ACCEPTABLE.
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    What are you happy about today?

    All I got out of that is you're gonna blow something and you love shopping. On a related note, I'm so turned on right now.
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    Why is the BHM/FFA board currently so repetitive and boring?

    I think there's a bit of a transitional period for everyone where it goes from, "OMG, this is a THING?! CREEP CREEP CREEP CREEP CREEP." to "Wait, there are actually some cool people here with great senses of humor, I wish to protect this place from stupidity." And that's how it starts. Some...
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    How do you handle compliments in your relationships?

    I mean, I think dumb cunt's a little extreme for EVERY situation where that happens. Granted, I have this kind of personal thing where, "Hey, 90% of the time I'm the only one who gets to point out I'm a fat fuck, and the other 10% know they have that privilege and don't abuse it." The 90% gets...
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    Horny Meter

    Soup's on!
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    What are your favorite foods and meals? TRIVIAL THREAD AHOY

    I'm pretty much down to one meal a day right now, but if I were planning a day full of actual meals Breakfast - Eggs in a nest, hashbrowns with SHARP cheddar (If you think it's too sharp, it's ALMOST sharp enough for me) and caramelized onions, corned beef hash, sriracha to put on all of it...
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    Ladies Post Cute Pics of Yourself (Round 2)

    I live for your bitchy glares <3
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    The Music Thread

    If you didn't say it, I was going to. We have so many ukulele players on this site. It warms the cockles of my heart. Yes. The cockles.
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    Post Your Sexiest Pics Nekkid (2)

    OH NO, THERE'S NOT ENOUGH REP!! I'm laughing so hard I can barely breathe over here. Blue would have been on this already. Taking bets on how long til it gets taken down.
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    Horny Meter

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    What makes you nerd rage thread?

    I'm nerd raging that you got to post that you were nerd raging about that before me.
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    Dr. Drew Lifechangers

    Dude, I WISH Dr. Drew called me. I'd be on this so quick. Maybe I should dance around half naked on my youtube more lol. I guess I talk about being fat more than actually showing it.