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  1. Famouslastwords

    Things to say in a forum rumble!

    "I'm a nice guy" GO LARP NO U Should be added to the database.
  2. Famouslastwords

    The Thread for Random Single Confessions Part ... I don't know what Part

    I C the DJ's got me falling in love again. I C the DJ is me.
  3. Famouslastwords

    The Thread for Random Single Confessions Part ... I don't know what Part

    In the words of my ex-fiance: Fission mailed.
  4. Famouslastwords

    One Completely Random Sentence...

    I was sick in the head for him, and there wasn't a cure.
  5. Famouslastwords

    One Completely Random Sentence...

    "We're just like you, only prettier."
  6. Famouslastwords

    BBW Confessions thread

    Oh sweetie do what you need to do to feel better, even if it means putting some of the laundry off til another time. I'm sure the family will understand.
  7. Famouslastwords

    What is making you SAD right now...

    Oh man, do I ever understand this one! All the time. Same ex. Over and over.
  8. Famouslastwords

    The One NON-DIMS RELATED Thing Annoying You Most Right Now Part Trois.

    My fingers. Why do my fingers have to be the fattest thing on my body? I want to wear my ring! I mean I could've gained that weight anywhere else, but I *had* to gain it in my hands. Fuck.
  9. Famouslastwords

    Recent Picture of You Part X !!!!!!!!!!! :D

    Oh well, if you hadn't ditched us in chat the other day you'd know that we have four of us CastingPearls, BigBeautifulMe, You and Me are all married-don't blame me, CastingPearls decided this, apparently she wears the pants in this relationship even though I thought I kicked her out.
  10. Famouslastwords

    Oh, you must've been a beautiful baby....

    What she said. LFW You are sooooo cute! OMG. Blurry or not, you were a cutie. Happy babies make me feel warm and fuzzy inside.
  11. Famouslastwords

    Oh, you must've been a beautiful baby....

    Not to insult you, but you kinda look like your mum, in a pretty sorta way.
  12. Famouslastwords

    oy, it's letters to people and things, part deuce!

    Oh damn, I had not seen that photo before of her. It's quite lovely, innit? Wow Amy, you truly are lovely. I can't rep you Amy, but I'm going to rep Dmitra for showing me the picture. So cute.
  13. Famouslastwords

    Recent Picture of You Part X !!!!!!!!!!! :D

    Too sexy. Too bad he has a thing for my cougar second wifey. /jealous sniffle.
  14. Famouslastwords

    One Completely Random Sentence...

    With every bubble she sank with her drink and washed it away down the kitchen sink.
  15. Famouslastwords

    One Completely Random Sentence...

    Something happens and I'm head over heels.
  16. Famouslastwords

    The One NON-DIMS RELATED Thing Annoying You Most Right Now Part Trois.

    Don't be down on yourself for needing a little help here and there. We all need a little help from time to time. I injured myself in 2002 and still suffer the effects from it. Part of the reason I am so big is because I cannot exercise as much as I used to because I cannot be on my feet...
  17. Famouslastwords

    Has There Ever Been a FA/BBW Couple Pic Thread?

    You are so cute together!
  18. Famouslastwords

    I wish I was an awesome Aussie

    Pretty good, dahlink. <3
  19. Famouslastwords

    The One NON-DIMS RELATED Thing Annoying You Most Right Now Part Trois.

    You can tell what they're thinking about though.