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  1. Famouslastwords

    BBW Confessions thread

    I guess since you're not over 400 pounds it's not as hard for you, but there comes a point where you feel as though you're too fat for even dims and even dims acts like you're too fat for even dims. And then they make these nasty threads saying oh why do fat people where these frumpy clothes...
  2. Famouslastwords

    Truths-Answer a question/Ask a question.

    A: In high school for my junior and senior year I went to a camp on Catalina Island and it was absolutely beautiful. I remember it being just the most gorgeous thing I ever experienced, the counselors were ALL HOT, and the life there was so beach-y, we didn't sleep in cabins but little...
  3. Famouslastwords

    Not that anyone cares, but...

    Not that anyone cares but this post reminds me of an exchange between me and my bf tonight: Me: J-Do an impression of donkey from Shrek! J: Huh? Me: You know, "I'm making waffles!" J: I don't do a good Eddie Murphy. Me: No, like actually make waffles...:p:D
  4. Famouslastwords

    How do you feel about marijuana?

    You don't have to patent it to tax it. It's already being sold medicinally in California and a few other states. I guaran-damn-tee you they put the same tax on it that they put on other prescription medications in those states. In fact, you don't have to put a patent on any drug that's made...
  5. Famouslastwords

    One Completely Random Sentence...

    So I wrote you this song, but you won't sing along to me.
  6. Famouslastwords

    How do you feel about marijuana?

    What is this I don't even.... If the gov't WANTED to put a tax on it, they COULD put a tax on it. The gov't can and WILL tax whatever the hell they want to as they've proven time and time again. They will double, triple and quadriple tax you until you're paying them to work.
  7. Famouslastwords

    The Thread for Random Single Confessions Part ... I don't know what Part

    Would you like my eggroll that tastes like a shoe?
  8. Famouslastwords

    Caption This Again!

    Do ya know what happen when Jesus went to Mount Olive? What? Popeye beat the shit outta him!
  9. Famouslastwords

    The Thread for Random Single Confessions Part ... I don't know what Part

    I C To me when I say something eaten tastes like something I've never eaten like for example shit, or freshly never been worn shoe, I'm basing this on the smell. It tastes exactly like the smell of the thing that I am thinking of. Like I ate an eggroll the other day and I said dude, this...
  10. Famouslastwords


    How about I let you shave my legs and you let me shave your face! Seems fair to me! *snicker*
  11. Famouslastwords


    Ok now about that face....how can you shave my face if I don't have any hairs there?
  12. Famouslastwords


    Oh sweet, I'll shave your legs now if your shave my legs now too.
  13. Famouslastwords


    Shall I.........shave you.......now.......or later?
  14. Famouslastwords


    Oh I know you would, you kinky girl.
  15. Famouslastwords


    I actually have a damn good palate. I just refuse to eat some crap. oh bite me!
  16. Famouslastwords

    You think It's cold where you are?

    Ouch just seeing it makes the arthritis in my ankle hurt.
  17. Famouslastwords

    "I WISH they wouldn't do that..."

    This thread is really just about tearing fat women down for chosing to wear certain types of clothing and to me that's nasty especially from our peers.
  18. Famouslastwords

    "I WISH they wouldn't do that..."

    Oh great, just what we need, a thread to tear down fat people based upon what we choose to wear. Don't we get enough of the judgmental bull crap outside of dimensions, we don't really need it from our fellow fat people, fas, ffas, and bhms too.
  19. Famouslastwords

    Internet Dating: Crazy First Messages

    Inquiring minds want to know what it said.
  20. Famouslastwords

    One Completely Random Sentence...

    I am doll parts. I'm also hungry dammit.=/