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  1. Famouslastwords

    Celebrity Chef Crushes

    the Voltaggio Brothers from Top Chef mmmmmmmmmm they're so sexy.
  2. Famouslastwords


    NVM this was already answered. P.S. Eddie Izzard likes to do this too so you're in good company.
  3. Famouslastwords

    BBW Confessions thread

    I would ditch it. Forget them. You're broke, your friend will forgive you, or shes not that much of a good friend.
  4. Famouslastwords

    Explaining Paquito for Newbies.

    333) Paquito once posted a thread requesting pics of women in thongs and got them by the millions and no one snarked him. No one.
  5. Famouslastwords

    Rep whines

    Realistically Julie half of the bhm/ffa threads should be moved to the lounge, but they're not going to be, so I'd push that idea right out of your mind right now.
  6. Famouslastwords

    The show your face/introduction thread

    Hello, Maggie, I noticed you have madmen'd yourself as many of the women on dims have. That's totally awesome and makes you cool in my book (even though I've never watched the show my bf loves it.) Also ssbbws are typically 350-400+ pounds depending on height.
  7. Famouslastwords

    Internet Dating: Crazy First Messages

    I had a lady contact me when I was a bombshell named Ally something about an interview and she wanted to contact me about an interview concerning plus sized nude models and she offered to pay me $200 for an interview and more if the interview got published, she wanted two pictures and my phone...
  8. Famouslastwords

    Rep whines

    I think the thread title is pretty self explanatory, no one made you come in here and complain about the whining. Isn't that a lesser form of whining? Besides, I don't think there's much whining persay as shameless begging and joking around.
  9. Famouslastwords

    What Are You Happy About Today? Part 2

    I want to rep you for this so bad but can't, I'm out of rep for 24 hours.
  10. Famouslastwords

    One Completely Random Sentence...

    I'm so sick of talking about myself, why don't you do it for awhile?
  11. Famouslastwords

    What Are You Happy About Today? Part 2

    I'm happy that I'm someone that you can sometimes walk away from a conversation with thinking...wtf....????????
  12. Famouslastwords

    New Sales at AtlantisAK's Etsy!

    It was me! I didn't know anybody sold anklets for bbws until now!
  13. Famouslastwords

    One Completely Random Sentence...

    There's two new pastas on this one's me and one's you.
  14. Famouslastwords

    Caption This Again!

    This is one subway you don't wanna ask for the $5 footlong on.
  15. Famouslastwords

    One Completely Random Sentence...

    A Grammy is for singing not acting.
  16. Famouslastwords

    what are u doing right this minute?

    How did you know my pussy (the one she was taking a gander at) was white?
  17. Famouslastwords

    what are u doing right this minute?

    It lookz like pusseh
  18. Famouslastwords

    Caption This Again!

    Riding on my mutton chopper.
  19. Famouslastwords

    Caption This Again!

    When I saw the rack on that lamb I just had to pull over.