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  1. Famouslastwords

    Rep whines

    lol, innit how it always is.
  2. Famouslastwords

    oy, it's letters to people and things, part deuce!

    Proner, As far as spraying it directly on you, you're not even supposed to do that, you're supposed to spray and step into the mist, leaving a much gentler scent. Silly stinkbugs! <3 FLW
  3. Famouslastwords

    One Completely Random Sentence...

    And I never wanted anything from you, except everything you had and what was left after that too.
  4. Famouslastwords

    The Thread for Random Single Confessions Part ... I don't know what Part

    Ah I see that saying is universal then.
  5. Famouslastwords

    The Thread for Random Single Confessions Part ... I don't know what Part

    If I have to come to you, you're giving me two for the hassle!
  6. Famouslastwords

    The Thread for Random Single Confessions Part ... I don't know what Part

    Didn't your mother tell you it's not polite to not share?
  7. Famouslastwords

    Make-Up or NO Make-Up?

    And you're not going to call the person she's talking about out on manly cars and makeup are you? That's a bit hypocritical don't you think?
  8. Famouslastwords

    One Completely Random Sentence...

    Nobody has to know
  9. Famouslastwords

    One Completely Random Sentence...

    "See I'm just pouring Oj down in my sugar bush and I have a long straw and I'm drinking it--orangina"
  10. Famouslastwords

    Recent Picture of You Part X !!!!!!!!!!! :D

    THIS.....zomgz is soooo cute!
  11. Famouslastwords

    Three things I love about my BBW/BHM

    My guy just sort of has a beer belly (which I love) but: 1- He's amazing to me, he puts me first in anything. 2- He makes me laugh. 3- He plays with me, and we'll never stop playing.
  12. Famouslastwords

    Rep whines

    Any rep for the pussy between my legs? ETA: If not he will make an evil bad post about you...one pawed.
  13. Famouslastwords

    Make-Up or NO Make-Up?

    I'd take Eddie Izzard over any homophobes anyday.
  14. Famouslastwords

    The Thread for Random Single Confessions Part ... I don't know what Part

    I repped the silly goose for you.
  15. Famouslastwords

    One Completely Random Sentence...

    You are a Cockholster!
  16. Famouslastwords

    Not that anyone cares, but...

    When she's doing the nine S's Shaving Showering Shitting Sleeping Shoveling (food into her mouth) Sneaking (up on you to kill you) Scraping (the junk off her teeth with a toothbrush) Shaking (a tailfeather at a party) Surviving (through another one of her husband's retarded conversations)
  17. Famouslastwords

    What Are You Happy About Today? Part 2

    I just paid for an online tarot card reading why didn't you tell me you were pimping yourself out, I would have totally bid!
  18. Famouslastwords

    One Completely Random Sentence...

    The poop crusader strikes again.
  19. Famouslastwords

    One Completely Random Sentence...

    Time for boozy floozy to sugar bitch.
  20. Famouslastwords

    What is making you SAD right now...

    I'm sad that after webcaming with my "friend" several times he complained about my short hair. I don't particularly like this style myself but I don't expect my friends to complain about my hair either.