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  1. frankman

    What would you like to do _TO_ the previous poster?

    Take him to the waterslide park, of course!
  2. frankman

    Recent Picture of You Part X !!!!!!!!!!! :D

    So the day a semi-professional photographer comes to our studio, the words that'd describe me most accurately were beardy and unkempt. Still an alright shot, although I seem to fill out the frame quite a bit.
  3. frankman

    The Royal Wedding--does anyone care?

    Anyone want to discuss any of the Middletons? Takers? No? And Mossy, did you wash your hands after typing that post?
  4. frankman

    The Royal Wedding--does anyone care?

    Maybe she's a dude and a fake doctor, that'd really blow my stdlpn...
  5. frankman

    The last movie you watched... and score out of ten - Part 2

    Have I told you lately that I love you?
  6. frankman

    Osama Bin Laden is Confirmed Dead!!!!

    US don't care about international laws. US defies NATO all the time, the former President has publicly claimed that he doesn't recognize the International Court should there ever be an American on trial. Most of the population of the US would agree with the statement that there's no power in the...
  7. frankman

    Happy National Day of Prayer

    Man, it was a good day to pray. I had me a blast - I still have to let a proctologist remove those prayer beads. In other news, I took out a huge loan to pay some televangelist who says he'll pray for me and my money issues, so that feels safe and pleasant, as paradoxical as it may sound. Next...
  8. frankman

    A Hyde Park Confession

    Aw, come on; it has a lolcat - no thread with lolcats can be THAT bad...
  9. frankman

    Osama Bin Laden is Confirmed Dead!!!!

    I say nothing about the whole thing was reasonable, but at least now this specific chapter of fucked-upness is done with. Think about it dude, spending 10 years and a kabillion bucks on waging a war on terror, cramming an extra war in, re-writing your laws to accomodate holding people...
  10. frankman

    Defending America

    Here dude: ,.;:''?'! It's just a handful of symbols you should really try using the next time you post.
  11. frankman

    Caption This Again!

    "Parking ticket? Bite me."
  12. frankman

    Recent Picture of You Part X !!!!!!!!!!! :D

    Probably the end of a song:
  13. frankman

    A Hyde Park Confession

    Does it get their loved ones back? NO Does it insure it will never happen again? NO Does it fill a void in their lives? NO Does it suddenly make the rest of the world fair? NO Does it make anything any easier? NO Is justice really done yet? NO Does knowing the butcher's dead ever weigh up...
  14. frankman

    Osama Bin Laden is Confirmed Dead!!!!

    I must say, I do like Bush Jr. a lot more as a not-President. It might be true like this cbs op-ed says (http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-503544_162-20015181-503544.html); time makes people milder. And although I'm not sure history will treat him kindly, I personally quite like the humble, out of the...
  15. frankman

    A Hyde Park Confession

    My god says he likes you all personally, and supports pantless Fridays. He also apologized for the typos in the 10 commnadmtens - He was drunk that day.
  16. frankman

    Defending America

    You know, every time I see your posts contain the words "as an Australian", I just want to make the most horrific Jew jokes. I know it makes no sense and it's uncalled for, but there you go. Regarding American pride and all that jazz: Standards are different for you, and I'm sorry. But...
  17. frankman

    The Stupid - it burrrrrrrns! Hearing Impaired Men Stabbed Over Sign Language! :@

    I'm in a gang with the longest name in the world, watch me sign, yo.
  18. frankman

    A Hyde Park Confession

    I say let's leave the old testament god for the jews, make christianity strictly sequel, just to see how many christians there'd be if you deprive them of the concept of wrath. And concerning the warm and fuzzy feelings some people have been feeling caused by the demise of Bin Laden: humanity...
  19. frankman

    A Hyde Park Confession

    Oh, but you were there alright, Lara. You AND your party hat - out on the street, hi-fiving white people. Because I just know you can't say "no" to a party. Even a misguided, morally bankrupt one. Fiesta, baby! The sun also rises.
  20. frankman

    Osama Bin Laden is Confirmed Dead!!!!

    Maybe, just maybe (because it's a stretch) he's the first US president to acknowledge the fact that the need for gas is a serious fucking drain on the planet, and that if you want to make sure there even IS a planet in the next 4 years, gas prices should go up as a deterrent. Now I don't...