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  1. frankman

    The Royal Wedding--does anyone care?

    Man, I wish I was an awesome Aussie...
  2. frankman

    Osama Bin Laden is Confirmed Dead!!!!

    Just one question: now Osama's supposedly dead, on who are we going to blame the evils of the world to postpone the realisation that we fuck shit up for oil?
  3. frankman

    Silly Birthers

    Anything to make the hurting stop. Birthers are the giant slugs to my Bill and Scooter. Every time some dweep wants more proof I quietly scream BEE GRENADE!!! in my mind.
  4. frankman

    Barack Obama is a tyrant

    Make it so!
  5. frankman

    Barack Obama is a tyrant

    Aren't people who make you cry and vomit called bodily-fluidsagogues?
  6. frankman

    Silly Birthers

    So exactly HOW stupid must this discussion get before we're saved from it again? I'll be the boogieman, I'll post the stupidness no problem, but first I need to know what is actually considered stupid enough to make the ridiculousness stop.
  7. frankman

    Barack Obama is a tyrant

    Aaaah, labels with political undertones, for when saying asshole just doesn't quite cut it. Good for people with a thesaurus. Deliman is a demagogue. Two can play it that game.
  8. frankman

    Too Broke to Procreate

    Damnest thing: I agree wholeheartedly with the Shosh.
  9. frankman

    Happy Birthday CastingPearls!

    Balance and gender fairness would require another dude, but I say let's get Lara and Lisa in this bitch and leave balance and gender equality for the people who DON'T have a giant fucking chocolate egg.
  10. frankman

    Recent Picture of You Part X !!!!!!!!!!! :D

    So you're saying the universe reacts to the amount of Martinis you drink? Cool! Looking good there as always, Lainey.
  11. frankman

    Happy Birthday CastingPearls!

    It's NOT Lindt, but Guylan - Belgian chocolate. It's their record winning giant egg. Apparently, there are competitions for that sort of stuff. The egg is hollow, but the chocolate IS 9" thick, so I figured we could carve a giant easterbunny out of it, maybe to create some windows. Yell "Stop...
  12. frankman

    Happy Birthday CastingPearls!

    Happy Birthday, GOT DAMN Casting Pearls! Or is saying that to Dims royalty a criminal offense? At any rate, here's a chocolate egg I saved for the occasion:
  13. frankman

    Recent Picture of You Part X !!!!!!!!!!! :D

    Maaaan, I need friends with waterslides! Anyway, great pics Mish. You look proprietorial.
  14. frankman

    Recent Picture of You Part X !!!!!!!!!!! :D

    Oh, your peep looks so much more luscious on Skype.
  15. frankman

    Caption This Again!

    "Anything else, Miss Daisy?"
  16. frankman

    The last movie you watched... and score out of ten - Part 2

    Well, I didn't like Spirited Away. I thought it was weird and pointless and it kind of put me off of the anime stuff for a while. I loved Ninja Scroll when I was a kid (probably the dumbest story ever, but the uber-violence and animation are just too good to pass up on), but Princess Mononoke...
  17. frankman

    The last movie you watched... and score out of ten - Part 2

    Cowboy Bebop the Movie I wasn't familiar with the series, but man it's a good movie. I watched it in English, and I know it's a no-no, but the voice cast is great. Every single voice of every single computer game I played made a pleasant appearance. The story was good, the music was better...
  18. frankman

    What Are You Happy About Today? Part 2

    Big international movie plans and cthulu dildo's.
  19. frankman

    What would you like to do _TO_ the previous poster?

    Gently cup her metaphorical balls too.
  20. frankman

    What would you like to do _TO_ the previous poster?

    Give him gender studies course notes under the boardwalk.