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  1. frankman

    What would you like to do _TO_ the previous poster?

    Gently cup his balls while forwarding his browser history to all my facebook friends.
  2. frankman

    Caption This Again!

    His name's Peter, the adoptive son. His parents love him, despite having to resort to false perspective camera tricks for a decent family picture.
  3. frankman

    Happy Birthday Paquito

    Happy birthday dude. May your threads thrive and your name be the source of many awesome facts about Paquito.
  4. frankman

    Caption This Again!

    Fun with corpses situation 4.; A Swinging Time It is important to only use corpses where rigor mortis has set in. Firmly jam the tee between the labia and place golfball upon it. Place feet on both sides of the autopsy scar. Now drive as usual (either with a driver or a 3 wood), and don't...
  5. frankman

    Caption This Again!

    Yes I am. The Winner is the one about Cupid going Postal. Congrats, Your Plump Princess, rep is on its way!
  6. frankman

    Ten Things I *blank* About You...

    I've got a T-shirt says Spear Britney. I'm oldschool.
  7. frankman

    More than 80 percent of Americans want to tax the rich

    For a dude called Mustang you know dick about cars. I'm just going to agree with you. Europe is a continent of small-minded, lemming-like drones. It's the embodiment of the color beige. It has nothing on world-class bits or suburban spendor like Riverside CA, or those fantastic instances of...
  8. frankman

    More than 80 percent of Americans want to tax the rich

    I just don't think there's a font big enough to express the intensity of my wanting to call you stupid.
  9. frankman

    More than 80 percent of Americans want to tax the rich

    You're kidding me right? Like that would still work, supposing it did then, which it didn't. That's 17th century bullshit. 1st off, there were a lot less people then, secondly standards were considerably lower, and the third point is it really didn't help that much then. I know you don't care...
  10. frankman

    Say what you will, but we are in for Obama term II

    Leadership ain't no country I've ever heard of. Do they speak English in leadership? I dare you, I double-dare you, *&%^#$@ ! Say leadership one more *(&%^$#-damn time!
  11. frankman

    The last movie you watched... and score out of ten - Part 2

    No problem dude, you got me to see Get Low, so we're even :D Glad you liked it, and Michelle Williams is inderdaad mooi. Have you seen the Visitor yet? Anyway, you're probably going to enjoy the next bit: The Shadow I still see this as one of the coolest superhero movies there is...
  12. frankman

    Say what you will, but we are in for Obama term II

    Perjury per definition is lying under oath. Just like killing someone dead it's a pleonasm.
  13. frankman

    The last movie you watched... and score out of ten - Part 2

    Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Pt I This is NOT a good movie. I know it's supposed to be the prelude of the final act, and yes, it's therefore an unfinished story, but that does still does not exempt it from being a badly told story. A movie should stand on its own, have a separate...
  14. frankman

    Caption This Again!

    Okidoki, I'll do the next round. I present you with:
  15. frankman

    Say what you will, but we are in for Obama term II

    I always think it's funny how people vote more and more on extremes, while change, real change however small comes from moderate reps or dems. Extremes run into a lot of trouble convincing the opposite side of their ideas, so it's all about baby steps, but somehow that simple adage doesn't make...
  16. frankman

    The last movie you watched... and score out of ten - Part 2

    I thought that movie sucked balls. I agree with the bit about the extreme costs, and it just makes me think that they hired a bunch of really expensive actors to do a sub-par script. I'm getting a bit sick of vanilla Reese Witherspoon; she's a pretty good actress, but for the love of fnord...
  17. frankman

    Say what you will, but we are in for Obama term II

    That's funny, because I truly believe that's how the republicans choose their candidate. "You can't string two words together, think Mexico is the capital of the North Pole and you have raging amphetamine problems? Well, it's a good thing your not Obama. Get on that dais, kid, or the...
  18. frankman

    Ten Things I *blank* About You...

    That is one of the nicest things anyone has ever said to me, and I apologize beforehand for not upping any funny quota with this post. Thank you!
  19. frankman

    Caption This Again!

    Not everyone is a fan of the radical changes Steve Jobs made after buying General Motors.
  20. frankman

    A Thread for the broken hearted.

    That does count and it sucks. Just blast some Destiny's Child through your bedroom; they probably have songs dealing with just that you sing along with. In all seriousness, take care and all the best. No need for that now, is there? I mean, God supposedly also made Destiny's Child...:p