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  1. slimchic77

    fast food is bad

    The king size triple whopper meal with a shake instead of soda exceeds ones' suggested DAILY caloric intake. Have any of those lately? ;)
  2. slimchic77

    Belly library (men/women)

    Both are very yummy but I prefer the after. Very, very sexy. Is your belly naturally smooth and hairless like that? :wubu:
  3. slimchic77

    fast food is bad

    That looks all good from here :smitten:
  4. slimchic77

    I reached my first goal!

    Sounds great, show us some pics :smitten:
  5. slimchic77

    Not posted before, first pic..

  6. slimchic77

    I reached my first goal!

    way to go. keep up the good work!
  7. slimchic77

    for my friend on here.

    very sexy!
  8. slimchic77

    put on a few over grad weekend =)

    As always, lookin' good :wubu:
  9. slimchic77

    Hi, I'm new here ... ????

    Let's see :D :D :D
  10. slimchic77

    Giving into myself...

    There's nothing wrong with a little herb now and then...just look what it's done for your physique. Very sexy!
  11. slimchic77

    am i in or not?

    And when she's done can I take a turn ? :wubu:
  12. slimchic77

    Hello! I'm a new gainer

    Great little belly there! *sigh* why are the cute ones always on the other side of the continent?
  13. slimchic77

    latest pics

    Wow, you look amazing! :wubu:
  14. slimchic77

    People who JUST DON'T GET IT (ranting inside)

    Here, Here! I have the same issues, but could never quite express them with such eloquence...and angst. You go Tankgirl!
  15. slimchic77

    fat and the workplace

    What type of business is it? A lot of sitting in front of the computer?
  16. slimchic77

    My tummy

    Mmmmmmmmmmm :eat2:
  17. slimchic77

    Lurker Post's belly

    :wubu: !!!
  18. slimchic77

    How sexy would you rate the Happy (fat) Buddha out of 10?

    I once bought a gainer a t-shirt with a buddha on it. It read, Rub my tummy for good luck. He had several cute ladies he didn't know walking up and rubbing his belly.
  19. slimchic77

    FFAs in the NYC area?

    **raises hand**
  20. slimchic77

    When did you first discover you were fat?

    Definitely John Pinette. http://www.comediansusa.com/celebs/pinette_john.html