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  1. MasterShake

    What are you happy about today?

    I recall neither you nor the orgasm. :p
  2. MasterShake

    What are you happy about today?

  3. MasterShake

    HOZAY!!! (picture thread)

    +1 for In and Out.
  4. MasterShake

    What are you happy about today?

    "I wish my mouth was farther away from my brain. I wish my brain had its own brain."
  5. MasterShake

    what are u doing right this minute?

    haha, had to rep you for that! :)
  6. MasterShake

    what are u doing right this minute?

    Wow, that'd be a major event if it's one of the real major characters. But I guess her major reporter rep would give a plausible reason for being targeted by someone. I hadn't heard that persay, but I did see the trailer for next week involves one of Booth's army sniper buddies going after him.
  7. MasterShake

    What are you happy about today?

  8. MasterShake

    Things that suck

    You should see what I use to control drooling during oral work.
  9. MasterShake

    What are you happy about today?

    "How old is he again?" "I think thirty-something. He has a land line and uses the word "album"." :happy:
  10. MasterShake

    What do You BHM's Look For in a Girl?

    1. Loves history and literature. 2. Loves cuddling and affection in general. 3. Intelligent with a great sense of humor. I'm a bit indifferent on hair color, although I find shoulder freckles to be stupidly hot so I guess red hair has the lead for me. :)
  11. MasterShake

    Flying Fat

    Just to clarify - do you mean not needing a 2nd seat just for the international part, or for both the "domestic" flight and the international one? That was something I hadn't thought about - needing or not needing two seats flying from KC to Chicago, but not Chicago to Germany, fex. My...
  12. MasterShake

    What are you happy about today?

    30 Rock and Community back on. New Fringe tonight, although I assume moving to Fridays will kill it :(
  13. MasterShake

    In this thread the FFAs put clothes on MasterShake

    Iseewhatyoudidthere. :) Glasses are a great suggestion, and that kingsizedirect looks like a really nice site.
  14. MasterShake

    what are u doing right this minute?

    LOL! I guess for me it's, I don't trust that Booth's gf is long term, so I feel like a part of me keeps waiting for the shoe to drop so they can start up again with Booth and Bones.
  15. MasterShake

    Girls That Like Big Guys Post Pics And Any Comments Here

    Nice! Now Mohawk it!! :)
  16. MasterShake

    what are u doing right this minute?

    I'm giving the show Bones a second chance. I love the actors and their characters, but I'm less interested in the plots, especially as I hate how they keep jerking around the "will they/won't they" plot in stereotypical fashion.
  17. MasterShake

    Flying Fat

    Hola! Sorry for the slight necro'ing, and more apologies if this has already been asked. I didn't catch anything browsing through this thread. I'm thinking about taking a trip to Germany late spring or early summer to visit a friend of mine who's studying abroad this year. But first I'm...
  18. MasterShake

    Did U Learn Something New Today?

    I'll bring the smelling salts in case you have a fainting spell, m'lady! ;)
  19. MasterShake

    Did U Learn Something New Today?

    Maybe if the girl has wings tattooed on her back??? :confused: