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  1. MasterShake

    Did U Learn Something New Today?

    I accidentally learned today about an alternative meaning for "retarded eagle" when I googled it.
  2. MasterShake

    Did U Learn Something New Today?

    Wait...I should have a three foot waist???!! :eek:
  3. MasterShake

    "____" Punk goodness

    I so want that "Talking Machine" t-shirt!! As for steampunk, there's a new game called Dystopian Wars, Victorian era land and naval combat, including British land tanks with parliamentary buildings on top and American ocean-going warships with river steamboat-style paddle wheels. :D
  4. MasterShake

    Post Your Sexiest Pics Nekkid (2)

    Hawt! You're one bad-ass professor!!
  5. MasterShake

    For any BHM/FFAs into BDSM?

    Iseewhatyoudidthere! :p Total dom, although the idea of a really tiny little woman bossing me around certainly has me intrigued.
  6. MasterShake

    Absolutely favorite foods list!

    Looks good, what you use for the meat(s)?
  7. MasterShake

    In this thread the FFAs put clothes on MasterShake

    What type of jewelry do you women like on a man? Is jewelry even something that registers much? Part of me kinda wants to start wearing a necklace, at least when I dress up, but I've never worn one and am not sure what kind would look good on me. :confused:
  8. MasterShake

    What is/are your signature perfume(s)?

    In The Library by CB I Hate Perfume: http://www.cbihateperfume.com/in-the-library.html I mean, what else would a former English major wear? :)
  9. MasterShake

    Music - Guilty Pleasures

    Is Madonna an artist to be guilty over? Because I do love "Like a Prayer"... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lA983t3Rdzs&ob=av2em
  10. MasterShake

    HOZAY!!! (picture thread)

    How do you get by without wearing a belt? WHAT IS YOUR SECRET???!!!!
  11. MasterShake

    Should I make the first move?

    Not to project, but I can be the same way. At heart I'm really shy, which tends to make me anxious in large crowds or situations where the attention is on me. As a result, if you asked most of my friends, they'd probably describe as an extrovert, 'life of the party' type guy, when I'm really...
  12. MasterShake

    What are you happy about today?

    :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: I'm just happy to be nice and warm during our current semi-blizzard. Also happy thinking about using a vacation day tomorrow to stay home without having to work from home. :D
  13. MasterShake

    Why Marriages Between BHM and FFA's Are Happier

    Hey, what's banana oil ever done to you, good sir! ;)
  14. MasterShake

    Should I make the first move?

    Awesome, I think you know what you're doing and can trust in your own judgments about what to do. All I can say is don't give up and don't be afraid of being direct - I can only speak from what you've posted, but for example it seems like directly asking him if he was single seemed to be a lot...
  15. MasterShake

    Why Marriages Between BHM and FFA's Are Happier

    It's called "science", Melian. Don't question it! ;)
  16. MasterShake

    Arizona Congresswoman shot

    I thought this was a pretty good article about the nature of our modern politics and how it relates to the shooting: http://www.nytimes.com/2011/01/16/opinion/16rich.html?src=me&ref=general
  17. MasterShake

    MasterShake 365 - all of the Master, all of the Shake!!!

    On the Pearl, the freeze issue was that it only used the small permanent system memory for operating. You could have all the expandable memory you wanted, but the bb would only use the built in for processes. Not only did that cause freezing, but the bb would try to "fix" the issue by...
  18. MasterShake

    Reunions - Love them or leave them?

    I've always kinda wanted to, but I've always been busy to go to them. I guess Facebook kinda makes them redundant anyways, esp for catching up and finding out what's new with them.
  19. MasterShake

    FFA Prowling Around...

    Curious, what does one do to "grind" in a Star Trek MMO? I mean, I can't imagine you spend hours killing Klingon hordes and skinning them for Klingon pelts or getting bat'leth drops to sell back to the Federation. ;) So pimping IS easy? :p