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  1. MasterShake

    Big College Decision!

    What are you majoring in, and does one support it better? I went to a small school for my undergrad, and when I did my masters at Iowa State, seeing the undergrad options there made me wish I had gone to a bigger school for my undergrad. Just a thought.
  2. MasterShake

    I lie awake at night worrying about...

    I lol'd. /10 char
  3. MasterShake

    I lie awake at night worrying about...

    Sorry, Paquito or Hozay. Didn't see the autocorrect.
  4. MasterShake

    I lie awake at night worrying about...

    How stupid voluntarily leaving a full time job for a phd program is in this economy. And if Paquito or hosed will ever truly forgive my unintentional offense in the clothing thread. What's "dethfatz" btw?
  5. MasterShake

    Should I make the first move?

    Hooray!! Just as I expected. Good luck!
  6. MasterShake

    what are u doing right this minute?

    Haha, I want to see a drawing of this - March of the Vancouverites! :D
  7. MasterShake

    Post Your Sexiest Pics Nekkid (2)

    Not nearly as 'nekkid' as you want, but these are pics of me sitting down, a position which I normally don't like pictures of me.
  8. MasterShake

    Should I make the first move?

    I don't recall mentioning marriage. But if they sorta work together, I can see him not wanting to make a pass if he's not sure she's open, to avoid feeling awkward if he has to work with her again in the future. YMMV, of course.
  9. MasterShake

    Should I make the first move?

    Some guys are just shy, or maybe want to be sure there's interest before pursuing - he could be unsure if she's genuinely interested, or if he's just misinterpreting her signals as her being nice or just her style. You'd be surprised how dense a guy can be. :p
  10. MasterShake

    Should I make the first move?

    It's hard to say, but based on how you described it, my guess is he was waiting for you to initiate a chat session. As I understand it, you were the one to bring up Yahoo, and then later said you'd be around later for a FB chat. It could be that he didn't want to look too aggressive (might...
  11. MasterShake

    what are u doing right this minute?

    Are they a more temperate climate like Seattle? That's one heck of a commute!!
  12. MasterShake

    In this thread the FFAs put clothes on MasterShake

    Nothing near KC, unfortunately. Although I have thought about using tailors in the past. I *believe* the Casual Male stores usually have some sort of setup with a local tailor that you can take your stuff there if you want a better fit or whatever. At least I think I vaguely recall a manager at...
  13. MasterShake

    Arizona Congresswoman shot

    I think it has to do with the nature of his target. If he had attacked a mosque, you would have probably seen people looking at the current rhetoric regarding the wars, the ground zero mosque, etc. as possible influences on him going out and killing muslims. If he had attacked an...
  14. MasterShake

    Do you get a lot of chicks?

    Feel free to PM me if you want!
  15. MasterShake

    In this thread the FFAs put clothes on MasterShake

    Sadly it looks like Illinois has the closest Rochester Big and Tall. :( @Zowie and Tad: thanks for the suggestion. I'll have to wander over there when I get the chance. @Hozay: I guess I've always ignored mags like GQ because it's always seemed hard finding their kind of clothing in my size...
  16. MasterShake

    Arizona Congresswoman shot

    To go slightly off topic before I connect back to it.... The Dark Knight is fundamentally about the inherent fascism of vigilante work and even more about a very problematic issue at the heart of superhero comic books: Without the hero, there is no villain. Literally. In the actual...
  17. MasterShake

    Do you get a lot of chicks?

    You raise some valid points, but IMO a) the heart wants what it wants, and b) everyone has their hypocrisies/contradictions/whatevers. I mean, I know women who want to be seen as being strong and independent yet also want to be taken care of (financially), a good friend is a bisexual who only...
  18. MasterShake

    Girls That Like Big Guys Post Pics And Any Comments Here

    I have a friend whose Chinese girlfriend would disagree with this. ;)
  19. MasterShake

    Do you get a lot of chicks?

    What Hozay said. I think attitude is key, and I know being here has certainly helped mine. I still have my down days, but recently I think mentally I've felt better than I have in a long time.
  20. MasterShake

    MasterShake 365 - all of the Master, all of the Shake!!!

    Ha, Ray Lewis can't keep killing his way to a title every year! ;) :p