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  1. Nexis

    Too early for an HB Labor Day thread? I don't think so!

    Not exactly sure of what day I'll be able to go in regards to the schedule, but I'm definitely going to try and come to at least one of the days for the bash :)
  2. Nexis

    Stupid super powers.

    The power to answer any kind of trivia-based question, as long as it's based in music media, internet based jargon, or video game related.
  3. Nexis

    The last movie you watched... and score out of ten - Part 2

    Captain America: 8.5/10 Definitely one of the better superhero movies out there I'd say, the actors definitely portrayed their characters quite well, and I always enjoyed the Capt. as a character. As a little guy myself Steve Roger's story definitely resonates with me, how it's not the...
  4. Nexis

    Reveal the Previous Poster's Deepest, Darkest, Secret

    Carla is secretly the princess of Candyland.
  5. Nexis

    Too early for an HB Labor Day thread? I don't think so!

    I'll have to check if there's anything going on that weekend for me, but I'd definitely love to go again :)
  6. Nexis

    Who's coming to HB Memorial Day 2011?!

    It was my pleasure, and thanks again for letting me to hang out with all of you, it really was a great first dance for me :D
  7. Nexis

    Who's coming to HB Memorial Day 2011?!

    I definitely agree that there should be pictures of the different events that weekend posted up here.
  8. Nexis

    Who's coming to HB Memorial Day 2011?!

    I have to say that last night was phenomenal, a great first time for me meeting so many fantastic people there. I hope that everyone has a good time today enjoying the last of the bash :)
  9. Nexis

    The Lancaster Twins - by elroycohen (~BBW, SSBBW, ~~WG, Force Feeding, Gluttony)

    Just a bit of a word of editing, I think you confused Daisy with Dixie in the second part of this post. Still, this is quite an incredible read so far :)
  10. Nexis

    Why are Anime Girls so Damn Skinny? - by Da Games Elite (~BBW multiple, ~MWG, Magic)

    This definitely is a rather interesting story so far, written quite nicely, and the fact that it's asking a rather thought-provoking question for us anime fans. Also, if you're looking for more possible animes to use, one of Samurai Champloo's main gals in the series, Fuu, has some moments...
  11. Nexis

    Go the **** away, snow!

    Pretty much explains how we've been feeling with all this snow.
  12. Nexis

    3D CGI BBW Models...

    I think it'd be more suitable in the Fine Arts section, where most pictures and paintings are posted.
  13. Nexis

    Are there any young FA's?

    21 myself, soon to be 22 in Feb.
  14. Nexis

    First concert?

    My first concert without a parent, and I still wonder how the hell my cousin got the tickets for it, was the reunion tour of the Police about 4 years ago, back when they were at Fenway Park, Boston, MA. And man was that a crazy awesome time, especially when Synchronicity started playing and the...
  15. Nexis

    "The Walking Dead"...(to my fellow zombie lovers)

    I'm honestly just loving this series, and the fact that they're sticking true to the graphic novel is a big plus for me. Although I did feel bad for the horse in ep. 1, especially after my friend nicknamed him 'Clip-Clop' R.I.P. Clip-Clop XD
  16. Nexis

    What Are You Listening To? Redux

    Currently I've been loving the epic video game rock opera that is The Protomen, especially this song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ncVTPuU7CBY&NR=1
  17. Nexis

    Good news: Lindsay Hollister got a lead role!

    The world economy at it's worst, and I'm sure this won't do well for Lindsay's career image with Bowell directing her.
  18. Nexis

    My fellow video game nerds, whatcha been playing? Part 2

    Recently I've been playing a new MMO that came out called Vindictus, and for a free MMORPG, it's actually a lot of fun. The choice of character classes you can have definitely goes off of the classic formula for rpg classes (along with some new classes that'll come out later) and the different...
  19. Nexis

    Good news: Lindsay Hollister got a lead role!

    I'm personally uncertain if this is just a joke, but unfortunately there is the possibility that this is gonna be a real movie to which I'm pretty bummed that Bowell is going to take this movie and basically run it into the ground, especially with such a talented actress.
  20. Nexis

    2010 Singles Thread

    You can count me up into the list of singles as well, but at the same time I'm keeping my eyes open for when that special gal comes into my life. Here's hoping that everyone here who's looking can find that special someone for them :)