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  1. Nexis

    The Thread for Random Single Confessions Part ... I don't know what Part

    I confess that my senior year at college is currently sucking the life out of me, oh joy.
  2. Nexis

    Coming Home - by Dan422 (~BBW, Eating, Imagery, ~SWG )

    Hmm, perhaps branching out into a different genre, such as fantasy or sci-fi since there's a lot of potential for stories in those fields. And as everyone's said before, fantastic job on this story :)
  3. Nexis

    T.M- and They Save the World - by IrishBard (~BBW, ~XWG, Intrigue)

    Quite an interesting read, it definitely seems that this is a good start to an interesting series. Although my one critique is that there are a fair amount of typos that could be rectified, but besides that excellent work :)
  4. Nexis

    My Lorna - by elroycohen (~BBW, ~MWG, Romance, Pregnancy)

    This was a very enjoyable read, I especially love how you integrate your details and descriptions subtly of Lorna's weight gain while making the story primarily about the couple rather than the gain. Also, the way that you're able to make your characters feel so human is a fantastic skill...
  5. Nexis

    My fellow video game nerds, whatcha been playing? Part 2

    I'd say some of the games I'm most looking forward to are Star Wars: The Old Republic (I swear, Bioware is owning my soul one title at a time),Portal 2, BulletStorm, and Marvel vs Capcom 3 for 2 main reasons: Capcom's Dante from Devil May Cry, and Marvel's Deadpool as playable characters...
  6. Nexis

    E3 2010

    For my fellow gamers, this week marks our version of the World Fair: The Electronic and Entertainment Expo, also known as E3. Only after 2 days the big name companies have shown some pretty heavy hitting titles with lots of promise, but since we've got days until its over, I'm sure there's...
  7. Nexis

    Inspiration for your NICKNAME and AVATAR

    My nickname originally was thought of when I saw an ad for a game called 'Nexus' and it seemed like it would fit for a gamer tag. Although I had a mistype and ended up with Nexis instead and it stuck with me since then. As for my avatar, it's based off of the character Nick from the game...
  8. Nexis

    Curvy Women Are Like A Drug

    Unfortunately for me I've been in withdrawl ever since my FAism came up in my teen years, but hopefully I'll get my fix in the future.
  9. Nexis

    Curvy Women Are Like A Drug

    I'll admit, I'm hooked for life, I don't think there's any chance of recovery. ...and I have no problem whatsoever with that :P
  10. Nexis

    We need more Asian girl XWG

    I say we need more cowbell.
  11. Nexis

    An overlooked issue

    As a 21 year old FA, I'm quite familiar with this whole issue. When I first realized that I did enjoy bbws and ssbbws at around, 16 or so, I felt like a bit of a paraiah, no one to really talk to about this, heaven forbid my parents, and with this being the awkward years of coming to terms with...
  12. Nexis

    The Fat Princess - by IrishBard (~BBW, Magic, ~MWG, Intrigue)

    Very good start so far, and once again you've proven how great you are at details and descriptions. Also, for some reason when you were describing the witch of the woods I got the mental image of a better looking sister of the witch of the wastes from Howl's Moving Castle, probably from the...
  13. Nexis

    2010 Singles Thread

    Well, I suppose I'm one of the many ranked in the legion of singles, which isn't quite fun considering Valentine's Day, aka Singles Day, is coming up soon. I just feel that holiday just rubs salt in the wound for all us single guys and gals.
  14. Nexis

    What's Weird About You?

    Hmm, for me, my wierdest things about me would be that I'm double jointed in both thumbs, probably from playing too many video games as a kid, lol. Also, my goatee is naturally striped black and red, which my friends can never believe; thank you Italian-Irish genes, hehe.
  15. Nexis

    Nerd Rep! Showin off you "Nerd" side

    Does the fact I have over 60 games for the GambeBoy Pocket, Game Boy Color, GameBoy Advance, and Nintendo DS count me for this? And yes, a fair amount of those games are of the Pokemon franchise, not afriad to say it XD
  16. Nexis

    Jess and Sam - by IrishBard (~BBW, ~SWG)

    Hmm, I definitely like this unique way that you're writing this story, different from the way that you normally write in terms of the play setup, but at the same time it gives an interesting way to give details on the characters and the setting as well. Looks good so far, and I look forward to...
  17. Nexis

    There Will Be Brawl, a dark series for Nintendo fans

    A friend a while ago sent me a link to an independent live action film series that was also a fan series for Super Smash Brothers Brawl. Considering most of the videos for games on the net are silly and random, I went in thinking that this one would be the same. Boy was I wrong, and I'm glad...
  18. Nexis

    What Are You Listening To? Redux

    Ain't No Rest for the Wicked- Cage the Elephant
  19. Nexis

    My fellow video game nerds, whatcha been playing? Part 2

    Just finished playing Brutal Legend a while ago, and now I'm pretty much filling up my iPod with all the songs that I can from the soundtrack, hehe. Also, Team Fortress 2 is one of my current gaming vices right now, gotta love that Spy ^^ Currently I've also been playing a lot of Disgaea...
  20. Nexis

    Looking for a Roadtrip-Based Story

    By jove you found it! Thanks a lot Berry, I appreciate it :)