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  1. MissAshley

    I made a blog!

    Nice blog! I am always looking for new blogs to check out. And you look amazing in the photo as well.
  2. MissAshley

    well rounded bbw models and pagent queens

    As a pageant queen myself, I wish bigger women would join. There are some that do and have won, and won because they were best fit for the title, but generally I think large women are discouraged from entering things like that because they either think they can't because they are fat or they...
  3. MissAshley

    A very Interesting Study On Weightloss and regaining weight after Dieting

    Most diets like this are restriction diets, so people go on them and restrict, lose the weight, complete the program and then go back to their old eating habits. Of course they are going to just regain the weight. All they teach is restriction and it's all just a set up for failure. They need...
  4. MissAshley

    Watch Miss Peru Gain Weight

    She looks really good at all sizes.
  5. MissAshley

    Great Fat-Themed T-Shirts

    I like the every body is beautiful.
  6. MissAshley

    Georgia vs Fat Kids

    I agree. I think any program or campaign designed to encourage kids to be more active and less sedentary is great, but these are so weight focused that it takes the attention away from other health factors.
  7. MissAshley


    Who all here has a blog? Post your links! I need some new reading material and would like to check out some blog from members.
  8. MissAshley

    What did you do in 2011?

    Moved into a new apartment. Became a "Rock Girl" promotional model for a radio station and was featured in their calendar and did a radio interview with them. Signed my first autograph. Became a state wide pageant title holder. Started volunteering at the women's shelter...
  9. MissAshley

    What Are You Happy About Today? Part 2

    I was nominated for a blog award, yippee!
  10. MissAshley

    90's gaming

    Super Mario Bros Donkey Kong Country 1, 2, and 3.
  11. MissAshley

    Peer Pressure?

    I'm 27 and I feel pressure from my family because I think they have expected me to be just like everyone else in the family. But I have always had different plans for my life. I want to graduate college, enjoy my 20s with the freedom of being unmarried and childless, pursue a pageant and...
  12. MissAshley


    Hm interesting new board.
  13. MissAshley

    Urban Dictionary your name...

    Ashley: a bad ass motherfucker who who won't take no shit off of nobody "that girl is about to get the Ashley knocked out of her" :cool:
  14. MissAshley

    F&$kin' Cancer

    The scary thing is, people who lead healthy lives are suddenly getting cancer for unknown reasons. It seems like everyone is getting cancer. My grandpa and grandma have beat it, and I lost an aunt and my grandpa on my mom's side. I know people who get lung cancer who have never smoked a day in...
  15. MissAshley

    A Little Too Much Tylenol Each Time Can Be Deadly

    I used to take 2 capsules for a headache, and an hour later if it wasn't working, I would take another one. My stepdad told me there was no harm in it, but my bf freaks out when I talk about doing that. I guess this is good info to know.
  16. MissAshley

    Thinner wife = happier marriage

    What bogus research.
  17. MissAshley

    Using the F word at "plus-size" stores

    Learning to not assume things.
  18. MissAshley

    Using the F word at "plus-size" stores

    I love Marianne. I'm not sure who the "you" you are talking about when you talk about insecurity, but I don't think you have been attacked in this thread. I think people were just trying to offer other possible explanations for the dirty look you got.
  19. MissAshley

    Being Fat is now illegal in Japan

    That is pretty extreme. I think Japan has always been proud of the fact that they are thinner than the US, but in recent years they have been getting bigger because their food as been more "American-ized." I'm not sure what they expected to happen, but these measures they are trying to take is a...