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  1. MissAshley

    The New York Public Library blocks this site!!

    A lot of libraries block all message boards in general.
  2. MissAshley

    Texting codes for old people. . .

    Haha love those!
  3. MissAshley

    Great Facebook post

    Well said. Also mermaids are totally real damnit, just sayin.
  4. MissAshley

    Great Facebook post

    Yeah when I first read it, those were my thoughts but I didn't want to make a big deal about it.
  5. MissAshley

    Fat bottom girls

    I always thought the song was intended to be fat positive, but I can see how some might be offended by it.
  6. MissAshley

    Halloween 2011

    Yeah, especially if there are going to be 19 year olds running around.
  7. MissAshley

    Great Facebook post

    I have seen this so much this week. It's very endearing and the model in the photo is gorgeous.
  8. MissAshley

    Photos on dating sites

    I think it's wise to just show yourself as you are, and not try to hide anything. That way when they do get a message, that person already knows what they look like and is interested still so there wouldn't be any worry of "Oh gosh, he wants to meet me...he's going to find out I'm fat, what do I...
  9. MissAshley

    Other things you've written.

    I write poetry, song lyrics, essays, magazine articles, blog entries...I do it all. Not really but I enjoy writing.
  10. MissAshley

    Happy Birthday, Diana_Prince245!!

    Happy Birthday!
  11. MissAshley

    What makes you awesome?

    My confidence is pretty strong. I am sincere and caring for others.
  12. MissAshley

    That Was Then, This Is Now

    Events around town are disappearing because there's not enough money to do them. Christmas presents aren't as plentiful as they used to be. We used to go on family vacations every summer. Can't do that anymore because now that me and my sisters are grown up, it's hard to go a full unpaid...
  13. MissAshley

    Dims Crushes

    I wondered if you saw that or not haha. ;)
  14. MissAshley

    Dimensions Friends on Youtube

    I have been checking out a lot of your videos. "LoveAshleyNet" is me just in case anyone has been creeped out by some unknown person commenting your videos.
  15. MissAshley

    Who chats outside this place?

    I'm quite surprised that so many people here have added me to facebook (mostly men) and started reading my blog. It's nice to meet new online friends.
  16. MissAshley

    Now they even tell RESTAURANTS what to do!

    I can see both sides to this. I think restaurant food should offer more variety and healthy options for the people that want them, instead taking out the unhealthier options and replacing them. That way, the people who want to eat healthy can and the people that want to eat fatty foods still can...
  17. MissAshley

    oy, it's letters to people and things, part deuce!

    Dear friend/roommate, I understand you say you are happy with her and if you are, then I am happy for you. But I still think you are making a big mistake. She moved herself in here along with her 3 kids to sleep and live in the living room when they had a home before that was fine. Why? Who...
  18. MissAshley

    Post your random Youtube links here...

    Does anyone watch Glozell? She's hilarious! http://www.youtube.com/user/glozell1#p/a/f/0/mqCQxZjTC2s
  19. MissAshley

    New TLC show: Big sexy

    I haven't seen it yet but the previews and clips make it seem interesting.
  20. MissAshley

    Dims Crushes

    ManBeef is hot with his sexy hair and piercings.