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  1. MissAshley

    Post Your Drunk Pics!

    Well yeah, but very occasionally. I am of age so why not?
  2. MissAshley

    Post Your Drunk Pics!

    At right
  3. MissAshley

    Question about Food Stamps for those that can help a newbie on that program out...

    I'm not sure if this answers your question because I don't know everything about food stamps or your situation but I do know that you have to report every little change in your situation or you will get cut off. And if you are supported by any family members then they will not see you as in need...
  4. MissAshley

    What is your weight right now?

    97 is what I was weighed at Planned Parenthood the other day.
  5. MissAshley

    One rude comment can ruin your whole night...

    I love that. Or as quotes in Captain America, "If you have something to say, now would be a good time to keep it to yourself."
  6. MissAshley

    Anyone read this?

    I love Lesley's blog, and that post was pretty inspiring. I found myself nodding in agreement all throughout. Thank you for sharing that as well.
  7. MissAshley

    Too shy?

    Fake it til you make it. I have also heard this before and I want to try it for myself.
  8. MissAshley

    Hi.. Is anyone into photography?

    Wow I'm high impressed with these. I'm not good with photography. I think the cameras prefer me in front of them.
  9. MissAshley

    Aussie Masterchef winner turns down Jenny Craig offer

    Lovely! She sounds like a fantastic woman.
  10. MissAshley

    Just learned a new word....(read on)

    Lmao. Some people do this.
  11. MissAshley

    The Mainstream is 'Learning'!!

    I agree with this.
  12. MissAshley

    What are you unhappy about today?

    I found a facebook account that was using my photos and copying a lot of the text I have. :eek:
  13. MissAshley

    Carolinas ??

    I'm originally from Garden City, SC. Moved to Indiana when I was five. My dad and grand still live in Garden City and my sis is in Surfside.
  14. MissAshley

    Anything going on in Indiana?

    I wish I could live in Indy or Fort Wayne. There's more to do there it seems.
  15. MissAshley

    Free Association - Part 4!!

    Peta organization
  16. MissAshley

    oy, it's letters to people and things, part deuce!

    Dear all the men who treat me like a piece of meat, Think about your 15 year old daughters getting sexually harassed by your sleazy friends next time you try to do it to me, thanks.
  17. MissAshley

    Dims Crushes

    A lot of the men on here who approach me through private messaging are so incredibly awesome in every way. :kiss2:
  18. MissAshley


    I'm glad there are so many of you who are into volunteering for some great causes. Mishty, thank you and I agree. I have never been physically abused myself but I still experienced a lot of it while witnessing it going on with my mom/her boyfriends so I have always better understood the...
  19. MissAshley


    I am a blog addict. Mine is linked in sig and I read a crap ton of other blogs. Checked your blog, and it's off to a nice start. If you need any tips, I am willing to help. I am no professional but I do have 10 years of experience doing my own thing.
  20. MissAshley

    oy, it's letters to people and things, part deuce!

    Dear me, Note to self, if you want to keep good friends, don't share bills with them.