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  1. MissAshley

    !!! Happy Birthday PhatChk !!

    Happy Birthday! A word of advice: Enjoy your birthday cake. :eat2:
  2. MissAshley


    Does anyone else do any volunteer work? If so what do you do? I have recently signed up to be a volunteer caseworker for a women's shelter (and domestic crisis center) in my city. I will probably be visiting with the stay ins and taking calls. I had an interview with the volunteer director...
  3. MissAshley

    Facebook, MySpace, AIM

    Facebook aim: ashleyb0384 (also yahoo)
  4. MissAshley

    I just powernapped, wow! Why does it feel so good?

    I am a big fan of napping, especially lately I have been hanging out at my pool for up to 3 hours a day and the sun and swimming can really suck the energy right out of you. I actually just woke up from a nap.
  5. MissAshley

    Haven't seen any mention of it?

    I facebook, tweet, and all that. I love facebook but unfortunately, like most people, I find out that some people I know air their tmi info within walls and comments for all to see. I try to weed out those people and other than that it's a nice place to share info and pics with friends. Anyone...
  6. MissAshley

    Interesting thing happened

    I admit I am clueless and many of my statements have been poorly worded, and I will apologize for those statements and the offense they have taken with members here. I really appreciate those of you who have it in you to be calm and diplomatic when addressing me with the flaws in my posts...
  7. MissAshley

    Weight Loss Harassment

    Wow it's scary to think such practice like this goes on. Thank goodness you refused or else things could have been so much worse. I think doctors do not understand the idea that fat doesn't mean unhealthy. They have been trained to encourage weight loss if your BMI is above average, thinking...
  8. MissAshley

    Dream Shoes ...

  9. MissAshley

    Clothing/Fashion Confession

    I have never liked the look of skinny jeans. How they got to be so popular is beyond me.
  10. MissAshley

    Article on the Myer Plus Size Fashion Show Made me see red!

    I totally agree. I don't know whether or not when they say health, they really mean size. Only they know that for sure but I don't agree with their insinuation that health is only from x-size to y-size.
  11. MissAshley

    Article on the Myer Plus Size Fashion Show Made me see red!

    I understand a lot of people can't help being unhealthy. People are just born with things. Some things you can control with medication, some you can't. I don't know anyone who's health is perfect, including myself. Every job has certain requirements for working. That is just how it is...
  12. MissAshley

    Article on the Myer Plus Size Fashion Show Made me see red!

    I get it that some people here aren't healthy and if that's how you want to be, then that's your right and I don't really give a damn about it. This is not me trying to attack unhealthy people or say anything else about them personally. All I am saying is that I understand why the modeling...
  13. MissAshley

    Toxic Fat

    "doctors need to find a way to treat the pathology not just tell people to loose weight." :bow:
  14. MissAshley

    Recent Picture of You Part X !!!!!!!!!!! :D

    Love your hair!
  15. MissAshley

    Sad Song Lyrics

    Earth Song - MJ What about sunrise What about rain What about all the things That you said we were to gain... What about killing fields Is there a time What about all the things That you said was yours and mine... Did you ever stop to notice All the blood we've shed before Did you...
  16. MissAshley

    Geeks and Nerds

    I guess my blogging could be considered nerdy. I feel like such a geek when people in real life ask me about it.
  17. MissAshley

    Article on the Myer Plus Size Fashion Show Made me see red!

    I am all for models of every (and I mean every size) size strutting the runway as long as they are healthy. I say healthy because if you are under a modeling agency and something health related happens to you, that agency or the people who hired you for a job could be in trouble. They don't want...
  18. MissAshley

    What are you unhappy about today?

    I'm sad that summer is almost over.