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  1. L

    For the 2014 Midterm Elections, My Prediction:

    True, government officials do also use the system to promote their areas, but that doesn't make it right, it's just more evidence that the system needs to be reformed. AND...any business worth their salt, in that situation, would do a back and forth bargaining between at least two choices...
  2. L

    For the 2014 Midterm Elections, My Prediction:

    oooh...yeah, me too! I forgot about him...
  3. L

    For the 2014 Midterm Elections, My Prediction:

    They absolutely can. Totally legal. But it is contrary to the "spirit of law", in that every entity should contribute to the society in which is exists. Unfortunately, Big Corporations have deep pockets to spend on lobbyists and politicians to ensure that loopholes and deductions are...
  4. L

    Let's give the man some PROPS! Glenn Beck helps Oklahoma victims

    When anyone publicizes their good deeds, it's rational to question their motives, regardless of who they are. It doesn't negate the fact that they did some good. Same as I questioned Oprah's motives when she built that town or whatever in Louisiana for Katrina victims, with her television...
  5. L

    IRS targetting conservative groups?

    I suspect as much.
  6. L

    IRS targetting conservative groups?

    Something else I keep hearing...number like...out of 350'ish groups that were targeted for further scrutiny, 70 - something groups were Tea Party / Patriot groups. I've yet to hear anyone explain who the other 250 or so applicants were. Seems like a good possibility that the IRS might...
  7. L

    Swimsuit Help?

    Why yes, I do! I sell both bike shorts (style B79) and capri leggings (B21) in swimwear fabric.... Let me know if you need any help. Janelle http://www.loveyourpeaches.com
  8. L

    Pie Crust

    So, I've spent a fair amount of time trying different recipes, products, etc. in search of the perfect pie crust. Turns out, the answer is Trader Joe's pre-made pie dough, found in the frozen foods section at my local store. Omg...flaky perfection. I'll never bother making my own...
  9. L

    The 50 Most Loathesome Americans

    Funny stuff...thanks for the chuckles.
  10. L

    Spiffing up canned soup.

    I add in chopped (frozen) kale or spinach to all sorts of canned soups, but in particular Italian wedding soup.
  11. L

    International consistency

    One of the main reasons I love traveling...to taste something different! I know there are lots of people who want the comfort of the same food everywhere, but I'm not one of them. It makes me kind of sad to see KFC in Paris, for instance. I do understand though, when you're an expat, you...
  12. L

    Favorite Upset Victory

    Assuming the Allen West defeat in Florida holds, I will enjoy that...although on an entertainment level I confess I'll miss his feuding with Debbie Wasserman-Schultz.
  13. L

    Habaneros.. What to do with them

    You CAN chop them up and freeze them until you decide...
  14. L

    And the winner of the debate is....

    Why yes, yes I am.
  15. L

    And the winner of the debate is....

    Well, we could start with geography. Remember when Mr. Romney said that Syria was Iran's ally because it was, and I quote, "Iran's route to the sea "? Take a look at a map. Iran does not border Syria, for starters. And Iran has it's own coastline on the Persian Gulf, the Arabian Sea...
  16. L

    Supporting somebody with depression?

    M2M, I thought the exact same thing.
  17. L

    The Presidential Debate

    Right? For political junkies, it's better than Christmas morning :D
  18. L

    The Presidential Debate

    So much rep for this post!! I'll add to the list, for the distant hope of even further clarity....the beauty privilege. It's been proven scientifically, and it's something that I think every person knows in their bones, "beautiful" people in general have an easier go of it.
  19. L

    The Presidential Debate

    Totally true, but it's rare that anyone will admit it. Hence all the fuss about the birth certificate, the school transcripts etc. He couldn't possibly be a REAL American president. :mad:
  20. L

    The Presidential Debate

    This. I will never understand the Republican charge of "death panels" with Obamacare....what do they think they have now with their private insurance? They are FOR PROFIT companies whose job it is to make a profit, NOT to provide you with health care. They deny coverage all day long. wtf?