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  1. GordoNegro

    If you had the power to change your FA-ness...

    Regardless of the challenges, I've had no regrets and glad I'm not like everyone else. It feels good to be in your own world literally with someone inspite of positive or negative attention/reactions. As much as it has been a challenge, I've enjoyed my time at bbw clubs when I was off weekends.
  2. GordoNegro

    Models Become Feedees - inevitable?

    Not every model or webmodel gains weight. There is too much $ to be made by those who are 'gaining' or appear to be 'gaining'. While some may be genuine in their growth, others may be deceiving and I can't blame them as people are shelling out $ for their paysites.
  3. GordoNegro

    Fat Person Only Gym?

    I hope it lasts as it sounds like a good idea; and additional options to allow others to feel comfortable while achieving goals does sound like a win-win situation to me. I just hope it can sustain itself or thrive, knowing it can help those who want to tone up, slim down be able to do so with...
  4. GordoNegro

    Entertainers who love fat women?

    Old School 90's Rapper KRS-One from Boogie Down Productions married Miss Melody a virtually unknown ssbbw rapper (She was in the 'Love is Gonna Get You' & 'Self Destruction' videos). However, as of present day I heard they are divorced and that she had passed on (Though, I could be wrong)...
  5. GordoNegro

    Half -Ton Killer

    Unfortunately, not many people here have 'clean hands', knowing Mayra could have just told the truth of her sister's abuse (possible misdirected anger stemming from her sister's abusive husband) towards her nephew and maybe this incident does not mushroom like it did.
  6. GordoNegro

    ImFree's Memorial Service is 1/4/13

    My condolences and wellwishes for his surviving friends and family.
  7. GordoNegro

    Trying to live on my own

    All good things come in time, when you are comfortable in your own skin..its a beautiful thing. Its' a truly liberating feeling when you can be your true self. Whether you like to smile, like to read or just like being different than everyone else. Knowing over time not just FFA, some...
  8. GordoNegro

    Half -Ton Killer

    I saw it when it originally aired earlier this year. Without posting any 'spoilers', I will say it is a tragic tale on different accounts. As a positive, Mayra's husband has been her primary caretaker assisting her with her needs. Those who cannot help themselves, but make their partner...
  9. GordoNegro

    Big Guys Dressing Well

    I know of a store or 2 on the Lower East Side, NY where you can get the Steve Harvey Collection in 3-5X. Though if my job required suits as opposed to uniforms or casual wear, that is what i would most likely lean towards. A decade ago, I did like the trench coats and suits from Today's Man...
  10. GordoNegro

    Why do you feel you have to get an okay from the world to be fat?

    For others to "accept' or 'tolerate' my size, makes me feel subserviant as if I have to please them in some sort or fashion. When people feel they can cross a line and call me out of my name etc, is when there would be a problem. I'm not sure if its my nature or demeanor, I haven't really...
  11. GordoNegro

    restaurant bill refers to customers as "fat girls"

    They could have been referred to as gorditas, big girls, etc. and some would have still been offended. When I heard it on the Local news, I felt it was a prank or a server getting back at a troublesome patron; though when I read a post earlier about how servers, waiters etc. communicate to get...
  12. GordoNegro

    Big Guys Dressing Well

    I'm a clothes horse, whether its leather jackets, designer shirts, jeans, underwear etc. as to me it feels good to step outside and know you look good. I like varied styles though I mostly wear jeans with boots or slip on shoes. There are options, but like I tell people make sure your $ is...
  13. GordoNegro

    Feeders who get fat

    I agree, knowing being mutual gainer has made me a better feeder, knowing how important limits are and when to truly let it all settle.
  14. GordoNegro

    kkk set black woman fire.

    It only reminded me of the Hoax in Boston, many years ago when a 'Suburban' mother was carjacked and attacked by 'Boston Youths' when she did the unthinkable and killed her own children but led Boston Police amd others on a wild goose chase. Reminds me of 'FREEDOMLAND' with Samuel L. Jackson...
  15. GordoNegro

    Feeders who get fat

    I remember when I was strictly feeder, the last thing I wanted was to add lbs. that could have gone to a feedee gf. My mentality at the time was that fat was feminine, as IMO people paid to go to bbw clubs not bhm clubs. I experienced a tweak of an 'inner fatty' from an ssbbw who was a budding...
  16. GordoNegro

    What is your weight right now?

    Congrats, hoping you stay around this time with more tales to share and any updates in the nearby future.
  17. GordoNegro

    Her Family by Scx (~BBW, ~XWG)

    Great read, look forward to the next story.
  18. GordoNegro

    Whats happend to Dimensions? Where have all the feeder, feedees and FAs gone?

    Its hard to appeal to everyone. Knowing those who are living the lifestyle may not have much in common or to say to those who only desire in secret or just fantasy only. Knowing those who are embracing their size for the first time may not be able to come to grips with those who embrace and...
  19. GordoNegro

    What is your weight right now?

    312lbs now...just keeps rising over time.
  20. GordoNegro

    Tank Ass (BBW, XWG, FA, DOM)

    Bianca gains weight and along with Marcus and Ted pin down and tie up Kristen and funnel feed her so she gets too fat to lose the extra lbs. no matter how hard Kristen tries to lose it, accepting her fate as a fatty. I think that could work too.