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  1. flinflam

    What do you like about the previous poster? PART 2!

    He's a fellow Pennsylvanian!
  2. flinflam

    I hate!

    I hate that Hollywood lied to me! Apparently sororities don't spontaneously erupt in tickle fights while wearing lingerie! I hate that I have a pile of dishes and no dishwasher! I'm debating about just throwing them away! I hate that there's 10 hot dogs in a pack, but only 8 hot dog rolls in...
  3. flinflam

    Truths-Answer a question/Ask a question.

    Propane, like Hank Hill I enjoy tasting the meat not the heat. Question: sausage link or sausage patty?
  4. flinflam

    The last movie you watched... and score out of ten - Part 2

    Just watched "Stan Helsing". I don't know why I keep falling for this crap. First it was Date movie, then Disaster movie and now this! Just because you can make a movie doesn't mean you should! I couldn't watch the whole thing. Turned it off after 45 minutes. I didn't laugh once, not even a...
  5. flinflam

    Free Association - Part 4!!

    $20 to act them out!
  6. flinflam

    What Are You Happy About Today? Part 2

    That I'm watching MST3K "Final Sacrifice" as I write this!
  7. flinflam

    Post your random Youtube links here...

    I like to watch this vid whenever I'm having a bad day, cause its not near as bad as his http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W45DRy7M1no
  8. flinflam

    Name a Song From the Last Letter - Part 5!

    T.n.t.-ac/dc T
  9. flinflam

    What are you happy about today?

    Congrats. As the father of a 20 month old all I can say is wait till they start running!
  10. flinflam

    I hate!

    I know and that's true
  11. flinflam

    I hate!

    At first I was gonna say sorry, and see about changing this to "dislike strongly" but then I looked at your avatar. apparently you DO hate something
  12. flinflam

    That 90's Thread

    I'm gonna pull the one up here. Not only did I have the Commodore 64, but I had it predecessor the Vic-20! And forget about floppy's do you remember the Datasette? For those of you not in the know, it used a cassette tape. For those of you that don't know what a cassette tape is, go to hell...
  13. flinflam

    I hate!

    We all have things that annoy us to the point that we hate it. Might as well open up and get it off your chests. BTW you can post something and come back to double post cause I don't hate that. 1. I hate everything Twilight, cause when you break it down its necrophilia vs bestiality...
  14. flinflam

    Gentlemen, Post An Awesome Pic Of Yourselves

    Me and Miley at Disneyland before my haircut and subsequent weight gain. Beat that Big Halifax Man! :P
  15. flinflam

    That 90's Thread

    No, let's not forget Salma Hayek in Desperado! :smitten:
  16. flinflam

    Girls That Like Big Guys Post Pics And Any Comments Here

    Lovely! Quick question did you pour some of that 40 out "for your homies"?
  17. flinflam

    Most embarrassing fat moment?

    I could post for hours on embarrassing moments. However I will only post 2 for now. I was in 10th grade. My gym teacher was a self hating fat guy(you may know the type). He felt it was his duty to shame me every chance he got. He went so far as to actually trade with the other gym...
  18. flinflam

    Post 5 random facts about yourself!

    1. I am currently in a pool for contestants for Who wants to be a millionaire 2. Anytime I hear someone say "Stop", in my mind I always say "Hammertime" 3. I say "That's what she said" more than anyone should 4. While I have forgotten almost all math, I have stored millions of useless trivia...
  19. flinflam

    The Music Thread

    Ha back in school there was always some music geek that's whole purpose in life was to find obscure bands no one listen to and then talk about how great they were. So my buddy and I would talk about the band Hog-tying the Amish. It drove him crazy that he couldn't find their album and we...
  20. flinflam

    Post 5 random facts about yourself!

    1. I think the greatest romantic movie was King Kong. 2. You will never see me drinking out of a straw. I think Freud would have a field day with guys drinking out of straws 3. I honestly think if you put me in a room with Jack Daniels and Coke I could solve every problem the world has 4...