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  1. C

    my 2 cents..for..your 2 cents

    I always thought it was more the lack of education that led poor people to be more religious. Lack of money = lack of education = lack of complete understand of scientific principles, etc. Sorry to butt in your argument. Please continue. :)
  2. C

    My job makes my feet hurt.

    I worked at Kohl's for two years (during high school and college). At about 300 pounds during that time, I can COMPLETELY relate to what you're saying. I found myself finding any job I could think of that involved sitting down. I would ask to go fold jeans or t-shirt tables just so I could sit...
  3. C

    The Thread for Random Single Confessions Part ... I don't know what Part

    IC that I'm in the business building at school, doing homework and watching people go by. Over the past hour or so, I've seen about 100 tiny girls wearing sleeveless summer dresses, all tan and thin and gorgeous. And just now, I saw a big girl, probably around 350 lbs, wearing a short...
  4. C

    What Are You Happy About Today? Part 2

    My roommate and I are moving off campus next year for our senior year and I just received my housing deposit in the mail today! I needed that $100 right now more than ever. Woo!
  5. C

    What are you wearing right now?

    Super cute, Luna! I especially love the "boob sweater." :happy: Haha.
  6. C

    What are you wearing right now?

    Luckily, there's one in Knoxville. Everytime I'm at the mall, I stop in there. Even if I don't plan on buying anything, I HAVE to get three pairs of panties. Every. Single. Time. :happy: Enough with the "BROOKLYN RAGE!" already. :p
  7. C

    Summer is coming and so are the flip flops!

    I adore flip flops. I realize that they provide practically ZERO support, and for a fat girl like me, that isn't exactly optimal. But, I can't help it. I LOVE them. They come in every color or style imaginable and if you're worried about comfort or support, they make ones that are better suited...
  8. C

    Ever had a crush on a fictional character? :P

    Well, who else am I supposed to go for? Shaggy the stoner? Although, Daphne was a hottie, too.
  9. C

    Ever had a crush on a fictional character? :P

    Fred Jones :happy:
  10. C

    What do you like about the previous poster? PART 2!

    She loves Nancy Drew! Duh! :happy:
  11. C

    The One NON-DIMS RELATED Thing Annoying You Most Right Now Part Trois.

    Sandra Lee?! I love me some Sandra. My roommate and I call her the Alk-y (sp?) of the Food Network because she makes a cocktail in every show. She's got to be the most annoying person on television. :p
  12. C

    Ever had a crush on a fictional character? :P

    Susie! I loved her. :D
  13. C

    Ever had a crush on a fictional character? :P

    This is a baaaad picture, but it's the only one I could find. Dave Gregory from The Secret of Shadow Ranch. I think Micara and Fluffy51888 can relate to this one. :D
  14. C

    Recent Picture of You Part X !!!!!!!!!!! :D

    Soooo pretty, GEF. :happy:
  15. C

    Southern Bash!

    Another vote for TN!
  16. C

    Things A Fat Girl Would Like To Be Able To Say

    Gah, seriously! I know this problem all too well. JUST because he likes fat women does not indicate a low level of self esteem. I hate this stereotype.
  17. C

    What Are You EATING right now?

    Starburst Jelly beans that were in my Easter basket yesterday. :)
  18. C

    Hi.. Is anyone into photography?

    This was taken from my front yard on Easter morning in Morristown, TN.
  19. C

    The last movie you watched... and score out of ten - Part 2

    Australia - 9/10 It was VERY long and it seemed like it drew on for a while at times, but it was a fantastic story. Definitely a fun movie to see with a significant other. :)
  20. C

    Recent Picture of You Part X !!!!!!!!!!! :D

    So, these aren't of me...but in honor of Easter, I colored eggs for our family's Easter Egg Hunt! Yes, I am almost 21 years old and coloring eggs. Don't judge me. :happy: (Sorry the second picture is so small. Dims kept making me resize it!)