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  1. C

    What are you wearing right now?

    It isn't in the seam, so I'm thinking that I can't. It's two holes next to each other, about the size of a quarter. Maybe it just won't be noticeable. :)
  2. C

    Oy! The Official Bath And Body Works Thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    So...Dark Kiss? Umm...dark berries and vanilla? Don't we already have this scent? Black Raspberry Vanilla? Come on, Bath and Body Works. You can do better than that.
  3. C

    What are you wearing right now?

    Posted this skirt a few days ago in the "What did you buy" thread. Bought it at Torrid during 50% off clearance for $10...:) ...and then tore a hole in it after accidentally running over it with my computer chair at work. Meh. Shirt is from Lane Bryant outlet clearance at $8 when I went...
  4. C

    Sonic (Not the Hedgehog)

    Their Cream Slushes are the absolute best. Vanilla ice cream + slushy mix = major deliciousness. The food isn't the greatest, just your average, run of the mill fast food. But, the drinks are amazing. I've never had a drink at Sonic that I didn't absolutely love. :D Slushes, ice cream, cream...
  5. C

    What did you buy today?

    I've sworn off men. I'm becoming celibate. :p
  6. C

    What did you buy today?

    They are currently having 50% off clearance, but only in stores this time (I bought these items last week when they were having it online). So, if you're near a Torrid, definitely take advantage of this since you won't have to be paying for shipping! :) If you're not near one, Torrid...
  7. C

    What did you buy today?

    Had a $10 gift card from Torrid, so I thought I'd take advantage of the 50% off clearance. Super cheap items, but the shipping kind of negated the gift card. Total (including $8 shipping): $15 :)
  8. C

    NY Times -- Plus-Size Wars

    Excellent article, OWA. Read the entire thing and there are some great points in there. I encourage the rest of you girls to read this, too!
  9. C

    The Thread for Random Single Confessions Part ... I don't know what Part

    IC that if you use CLEARLY improper (their =/= there) grammar in a facebook post, instant message, or email, I immediately judge you negatively.
  10. C

    Lane Bryant - Loop 18

    Gah, seriously! And yes, those are flutter vests. I almost threw up on them. :p
  11. C

    Orgasmic Fast Food Salad

    Ugh. I've had it twice now. The first time, it was ahh-mazing. The second time, they left off the blue cheese and it was awful. Still can't decide if I wanna risk it and try again. It's expensive for a fast food salad. :p
  12. C

    The last movie you watched... and score out of ten - Part 2

    Inception 10/10 Holy shit. :D
  13. C

    Old Navy

    I saw this too! It's about time! :bow:
  14. C

    What did you buy today?

    Bought this from Loop 18, LB's "trendy" new line. It's cute, but it's about the only thing I liked. :p
  15. C

    Lane Bryant - Loop 18

    So, I went today and was very unimpressed. The fact that the cashier was completely rude didn't help, but I'm not a fan of the line. Everything has zippers or checkers or shiny, sparkly stuff everywhere. It seems more for the 12-15 yrs crowd. I did buy this dress which I thought was cute...
  16. C

    Lane Bryant - Loop 18

    I'm headed to the Outlet malls in Sevierville, TN tomorrow to check out this line. Wish me luck! If I buy anything, I'll be sure to post pictures!
  17. C

    What did you buy today?

    Want, want, want! I love Tarina Tarantino. :D But, I've always felt bad about wanting to buy her stuff. "Hmm, textbook or really cute but pretty expensive necklace? Which is more important?" :D
  18. C

    Lane Bryant - Loop 18

    I dunno if I have an exact definitely for "cute," but I do know I don't want to look like Hannah Montana.
  19. C

    Lane Bryant - Loop 18

    These were posted on their Facebook page. Ugh! Such a black, silvery, shiny, tacky mess. This picture is semi-promising.
  20. C

    BBW Confessions thread

    I'm supposed to be watching my sugar a bit. I'm not diabetic, but in a few years, I could be if I'm not careful. I'm devouring an entire oreo ice cream cake for my birthday. .....and it's freakin' delicious.