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  1. C

    BBW Confessions thread

    We all have these days. I'm speculating here, but I think a lot of fat girls feel this way at least every now and then. It's unpleasant and I wish it didn't happen, but it does. :( I'm sorry. Just know that you ARE beautiful. (I know you said you weren't asking for compliments, but I wanted to...
  2. C

    BBW Confessions thread

    IC that I just did yoga for the very first time. My roommate is into it hugely and convinced me to do a session with her. It was a beginner DVD and it kicked my ass! Someone who has HUGE boobs, huge hips, and a huge belly is not meant to do yoga. I'll keep trying it, though. :p
  3. C

    The One NON-DIMS RELATED Thing Annoying You Most Right Now Part Trois.

    So, I officially have to get a new phone. Actually, I don't. I can pay $199 for Apple to fix my current iPhone 3G. Uhh, yeah, screw that. So, I'm going to AT&T to buy a new phone today. I haven't decided if I'll go with another iPhone or a Blackberry. I DO know that I'll be depleting my entire...
  4. C

    The One NON-DIMS RELATED Thing Annoying You Most Right Now Part Trois.

    My iPhone! So, about an hour ago, I was faced with the white screen of death. I pressed the home and power buttons simultaneously for 10 seconds, like everyone has told me to, and nothing changed. So, I plugged it into my computer and did a system restore through iTunes. Twice. Still...
  5. C

    Glamour Magazine!

    Great article! I love how they address that plus sized models aren't really "plus sized" humans. :D
  6. C

    What did you buy today?

    Sorry, girl! I always think about that when I post, too! "I need to tell the girls this! But wait, I don't want to tempt them into buying if they shouldn't be!" :D Hehe That's always fun. :happy:
  7. C

    Life Isn't Perfect after WLS Article

    http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/36784702/ns/health-behavior/ Great, candid article about weight loss surgery and how all your troubles don't simply disappear once you're thin.
  8. C

    What did you buy today?

    $25 Dresses today at Torrid for 6 hours! 9am-3pm PST There are a lot to choose from, too! http://www.torrid.com/torrid/store/nodePage.jsp?startPage=1&currPage=2&FOLDER%3C%3Efolder_id=2534374302042390&bmUID=1272384946242
  9. C

    Recent Picture of You Part X !!!!!!!!!!! :D

    Good God, you're gorgeous. :happy:
  10. C

    I bought this shirt

    So, once you decide, post a pic pleasekthx. :D
  11. C

    What did you buy today?

    Congratulations, hon!
  12. C

    Oy! The Official Bath And Body Works Thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Sweetness! Is that the most popular of the Vanillas? I guess it would seem since they *might* be keeping it around. :D PS. I took a nice, long bath tonight and used my Lemon Vanilla lotion afterwards. I smell so damn good. :happy:
  13. C

    Oy! The Official Bath And Body Works Thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I took advantage of the Buy 3 Get 3 Free sale this weekend. I've always purchased the Body Cream rather than the Body Lotion. The lotion doesn't seem thick or creamy enough for me. But, according to the coupon I received, they have improved their lotion formula, so I can't wait to try it out...
  14. C

    What did you buy today?

    Okay, those T-Shirts are precious. :D I love them.
  15. C

    I bought this shirt

    I'm a fan of black and brown together. I know it's a usual fashion faux-paux, but I really like it. I think a black cami and some cute black leggings would look great. :)
  16. C

    I bought this shirt

    I just say you be your sexy self and wear it by itself. :D
  17. C

    Time to Stop the Drug Law Madness

    Don't ya know it's bad for those braaaaaaaaain cells? :D
  18. C

    Oy! The Official Bath And Body Works Thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    A-freaking-men, Rachel! I LOVE Midnight Pomegrante. I love me some Sensual Amber, too. :D
  19. C

    Oy! The Official Bath And Body Works Thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Headed to B&BW (I love using this acronym) on Saturday to stock up on the Vanillas collection and also to get a couple new, cute Wallflowers for my new apartment. Yay!
  20. C

    Duck Lips? Hot or Not?

    AND ridiculous makeup, too. Did she get punched in both eyes?