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  1. NFA

    Dear FAs in Hiding:

    Fine. Deny yourself all the happiness in the world just because you friends might (gasp!) kid around with you. Cause gosh, I've never heard of friends teasing each other. Clearly you are a beseiged soul. Oh, and your family might not approve of who you are dating? Another incredibly unique...
  2. NFA

    Does Weight Watchers Really work- a personal opinion

    Weight Watchers tells us their product doesn't work. Everytime they run "Results Not Typical" as they proclaim a success story. There is no real debate over whethet it works our not. Their critics say it doesn't. WW agrees.
  3. NFA

    Recent Picture of You

    I'm not sure I like this picture, but its a bit more candid and shows my hair in my face which is probably its more normal look. Shows off my shiny forehead, too. :D Taken Friday evening.
  4. NFA

    Dear FAs in Hiding:

    There is a difference between a man who builds a closet and stays in there, and one who builds a closet and tries to date fat women secretly. The former is stupid, and I'm not afraid to tell them such. I don't think they are horrible people. The only people they are hurting are themselves...
  5. NFA

    Dear FAs in Hiding:

    See, I prefer making them think about what I mean. If these hypothetical people were pestering me, I'd hardly feel a necessity to talk down to their level so they can keep up. I'd much rather get the "What is that supposed to me... Oh." response.
  6. NFA

    Dear FAs in Hiding:

    That's why I have little sympathy for it, either. If a gay person is in the closet, they actually can meet and be with another closeted gay person. Not saying its great, but its equal. Fat people don't have a closet to retreat to. Well, unless it was an actual, physical closet. That's the...
  7. NFA

    Dear FAs in Hiding:

    On the "but you can do better/you can't do better" line some FA's get subjected to, I'm reminded of my favorite comeback I've never gotten to use because no one every gives me a hard time about being an FA. (I'll get asked about it, but usually out of genuine curiosity) "I can't do better...
  8. NFA

    Dear FAs in Hiding:

    I expect those people to keep their shame to themselves and not make it someone else's problem. A closeted FA who stays there alone is just stupid. I'm not going to avoid calling them stupid, because that IS what they are. I can't sugercoat it or treat them with kid gloves over it. They are...
  9. NFA

    Dear FAs in Hiding:

    Must spread around, but I hope others can rep you for that.
  10. NFA

    Dear FAs in Hiding:

    My indignation towards closeted FA's isn't as much about being a "white hat" for BBW's as it is being a hero for myself. I strongly believe that when men behave badly, it is the responsibility of other men to stand up and say so. Far too often, men stay silent when the culture of masculinity...
  11. NFA

    Dear FAs in Hiding:

    That's extraordinarily cynical and judgemental. I'll thank you to know that NOT all FA's are even a little guilty of expressing shame for their preference or projecting shame onto a partner.
  12. NFA

    Dear FAs in Hiding:

    Anyone want to know why I come down on closet FA's so hard? This is why. I've known women who were treated like this. It is deplorable and it is inexcusable. Frankly, its emotional abuse. If an FA is in the closet and stays their alone, at least the only person they hurt with their...
  13. NFA

    Anomie has set in...

    I have to agree. Fat stigmatization is completely pervasive in our society and presuming that efforts in response to it are obviously or even likely related to romantic exploits is antiquated at best and misogynistic at worst. In our society, no one needs a special reason to feel hostile...
  14. NFA

    Anomie has set in...

    There is nothing wrong with wanting to be with someone who has chosen to live their life without a combative relationship with their body. Its not about being controlling or promoting something unhealthy. Dieting hasn't been shown to make people healthier or even weigh less. And its not about...
  15. NFA

    What happened to this guy

    Seriously? That's obviously a fake picture. And not a good one, either.
  16. NFA

    Belly library (men/women)

    As a belly man and a man with a belly, it seemed quite inappropriate that I hadn't made my own offering to the library...
  17. NFA

    How did you find Dimensions?

    I've been around since BBWQT.com, though I'm sure I was aware of Dimensions prior to the merger. Back then, if you did a fat related search online, there weren't that many sites that would turn up. Feels weird calling it "back then". I know it was almost 10 years ago, but I still feel too...
  18. NFA

    Your plans for New Years Eve?

    None whatsoever. Seriously. My girlfriend and I keep asking each other what we're going to do, but the best we can come up with is going to "First Night" in Boston which is frankly extraordinarily lame and has nothing I'm really interested in. Might well end up staying in.
  19. NFA

    wedding dresses for ssbbw?

    That's really a gorgeous dress and an insane find for only $80 even if it needs a little modification. I think the understated look is really fantastic and you look incredible. Congratulations. The really is tremendous good fortune, and I hope it bodes well.
  20. NFA

    'Tis the Season!

    MisticalMisty is one of the coolest and most caring people I've ever met. Darn cute, too.