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  1. NFA

    "I don't really go for the FA type"

    Of course FA's have it different. But almost everyone has it different in some way or another. Or responses to those differences is not product of the difference but of ourselves. Every FA is surrounded by people who aren't fat friendly. I'd like to meet the one who isn't so I could tell...
  2. NFA

    How does it make you feel....

    BBW Social groups aren't size acceptance organizations. Its a mistake to view them as such. As someone interested in fat politics, I wish that wasn't the case, but it is. As such, its unfair to expect from those communities what I'd expect fat fat acceptance activists. Simple as that...
  3. NFA

    I decided to join and to share/get some stuff off of my chest

    Perfect as defined by societal ideals. Anorexia and our cultural pre-occupation with thinness are intertwined. Divorcing anorexia from its clear and intended purpose isn't fair. My girlfriend struggled with anorexia when she was young and an ex-girlfriend of mine developed it while I was with...
  4. NFA

    I decided to join and to share/get some stuff off of my chest

    I'm not sure any ED professionals would be telling someone who has struggled with anorexia and bullemia that they should think about losing weight. I don't think you've given the original poster enough credit here. She came to THIS site. A size acceptance message is what she is seeking. It...
  5. NFA

    "I don't really go for the FA type"

    To be perfectly blunt, have you considered that your issues were more personal and not the result of being an FA? There are plenty of screwed-up folks who aren't FA's. Why presume that your problems were because you were an FA and not because are you? One of the worst slights against FA's is...
  6. NFA

    Chick Topic- The Pill and Cancer

    I know this is hard to read. The only fair way to respond to HFC is to go off topic and I didn't want to subject that to disinterested parties. Suffice to say, WND has a very clear history and agenda. An arch-Conservative publication doesn't have a political agenda for attacking birth...
  7. NFA

    I decided to join and to share/get some stuff off of my chest

    One of the most important things to remember is that even the most self-confident and secure person isn't going to be perfect. They will still have moments of doubt and insecurity. They key is in not beating yourself up over those moments. Not expecting to be perfect. You can accept that you...
  8. NFA

    Chick Topic- The Pill and Cancer

    Not to butt in, but it is worth noting that the publication in question has a political agenda for promoting a link between birth control and cancer. They've also promoted 9/11 conspiracy theories and have published articles attaching the victims of Hurican Katrina. It should also be noted...
  9. NFA

    Ok Lost watchers

    That's new this year. I gather its in response to Lost fans whinine incestly about having to endure the indignity of repeats. Which I guess they, unlike everyone else who watches TV, shouldn't have to deal with. So, ABC is running a mini-season in the fall and then will run the rest of the...
  10. NFA

    GARGANTUA: Fear of a Fat Planet- Massachusetts and New York next few weeks

    According to the program: Introduction to Bellydance taught by Caravan of Curves dancer Amy Smith Sunday, November 12, 2006 1 to 2.30pm Casa Nia, 46 Porter Road (at Porter Square), Cambridge $15 Advance, $20 Drop-In (pre-registration at www.bigmoves.org)
  11. NFA

    A Question for the Gentlemen on the board...

    I'm fat. No "quotation marks" or euphamisms necessary.
  12. NFA

    You like fat chicks?

    When I'm asked why I like fat women, I have no better answer than, "I just do." I inform the questioner that contrary to what they may have thought, I did not come up with a pro's and con's list, carefully weighing the advantages of being attracted to fat women before arriving on the logical...
  13. NFA

    GARGANTUA: Fear of a Fat Planet- Massachusetts and New York next few weeks

    It was a terrifically awesome show. I cannot more strongly urge anyone in the Lowell/Northhampton/New York City area to go see the show. It was a great deal of fun and I was absolutely thrilled to be there. Ms. J was, indeed, great. Its a lot of fun and an enormously worthwhile organization...
  14. NFA

    GARGANTUA: Fear of a Fat Planet- Massachusetts and New York next few weeks

    My girlfriend's been at rehearsals the last couple of days and says the show looks great and that she's really looking foward to it. I hope anyone in the area can come out for it this weekend.
  15. NFA

    sad story

    That's not what I said, Tina. I think a lot of people in this discussion don't understand the difference between the idle teasing they imagine and the persistant torment that some children have to endure. I didn't say EVERYONE, Tina. I didn't even say MOST, Tina. Given the stakes, I'd say...
  16. NFA

    sad story

    Imploring people to "lead by example" is a hallow way to justify doing NOTHING about a problem. This isn't about simple teasing. I think a lot of people here have no idea what is really being discussed here. Increasingly, child are being subjected to extreme cruelty and torture from their...
  17. NFA

    sad story

    No. I'm saying children are children and adults are adults. Its the responsibility of ADULTS to teach CHILDREN how to behave. It is the responsibility of adults to teach children not to hate people because they are different. It is the responsibility of adults to teach children to respect...
  18. NFA

    sad story

    That was you "not" being a prick? Its attitudes like this that have allowed bullying to become so dominating and abusive in recent years. Resignation is not a proper response to cruelty. CONGRATULATING the abuses as you seem to do when you suggest the alternative is timidity is even worse...
  19. NFA

    The Biggest Loser Show

    Agreed, Liz. These shows treat fat people with complete disdain and disrespect and unmitigated disgust. The peddle faux inspiration with unreal circumstances and resources the average person doesn't have access to. If you obsess about losing weight and spend all of your time and energy on...
  20. NFA

    The Internet just got scarier.

    You should really hate to say it because it is wildly untrue. It also is NOT what is being discussed. I know corporations write absurdly overreaching terms agreements, but they are entirely to protect them. I think they go too far, but the intent is to protect those sites from the person...