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  1. NFA

    Question for the FA's...inspired by RyanFA

    I understand the pressures of cultural assumpsions about fatness. But, since you bring it up, this is as good a time as any to point out that this is very much a house of cards. First off, I don't use phrases like "morbidly obese". "Obese", for one, is an attempt to control the discussion of...
  2. NFA

    Question for the FA's...inspired by RyanFA

    A lot of FA's will have a pretty wide range of sizes that they will be attracted to. Perhaps you're not your boyfriend's ideal, but you still may be well within that range. From my experience, that's just fine. An exact match physically isn't nearly as important as a match with personalities...
  3. NFA

    we're becoming common criminals

    So, since you are an FA, I think you owe us all an answer on how you would react to child rape. If you support sexual attraction to fat women, why wouldn't you support sexual attraction to toddlers? Both are outside of social norms, so I think you need to tell us whether you support child rape...
  4. NFA

    we're becoming common criminals

    To my knowledge, none of the small group of governments that recognize gay marriage force any churches to perform them. Nor do any reasoned supporters of gay marriage suggest that we ought to. Some will choose to perform such cermonies and do so. But that is up to each church. The fact of...
  5. NFA

    childhood FA'ism when does it start.

    I would say that unless this boy is severely emotionally or developmentally stunted, by 15 he is probably aware of his feelings. It certainly does sound like he is an FA of some sort, although trending towards feederism given his apparently strong equating of food and fat. But, it sounds like...
  6. NFA

    Animated BBW

    A surprisingly good sense of space and movement on her body. Even in the stylized form for the cartoon, the woman's body was very much grounded in the real world. Not the kind of foolishly divorced from reality images usually seen in our culture's cartoon (and live action, for that matter)...
  7. NFA

    childhood FA'ism when does it start.

    I cannot speak to feederism, but as an FA, I was well aware of my inclinations at 14/15 and was very open about them with my friends. I'd say my first awareness that I was an FA (which is to say, that everyone else wasn't) was around the end of 6th grade. Going back, though, a lot of the girls...
  8. NFA

    we're becoming common criminals

    You still fail to grasp the point of comparing gay relationships and incest. It is meant to demean and condemn gay people. The comparison wasn't drawn between heterosexual conduct and incest. THAT is the important distinction here which you are dutifully obscuring in your effort to shift the...
  9. NFA


    People were hurt that other people said something nice about yet another person?
  10. NFA

    we're becoming common criminals

    Why is it dangerous? Because you want to think of yourself as some kind of ideological rabel for lumping in gays with incestuous predators? If you cannot recognize the difference between being a gay relationship and incest, then it can't be explained to you. No, the issues are NOT similiar...
  11. NFA

    we're becoming common criminals

    You'll have to do better than that if you want to equate a gay relationship with incest. That is a VERY loaded comparison, and this "both are taboo" justification doesn't cut it. Comparing being gay to incest is entirely unfair. That some people object to them both and like linking the two to...
  12. NFA

    Scientists identify agent that regulates appetite

    Not the first time they've done that. And note that they are still obsessed with treating fatness by food deprivation in spite of the fact that they've not gotten around to proving that food deprivation works in the long term or that fat people even eat more than thin people to begin with. I'm...
  13. NFA

    More fat-bashing movie "fun"

    In your rush to congratulate yourself for your "political incorrectness", you seem to have exhibited no desire to watch the trailer. If you had, you'd have seen that not only is the humor VERY much in the "Shallow Hal" vein, it is clearly much more mean-spirited and for the very explicit...
  14. NFA

    What’s under your belly hang?

    I think my girlfriend recently got that. She tried to pawn it off on me after I got some pretty painful chafing myself. Didn't end up using it, but she spoke quite highly of it. Said it doesn't have an oily finish which impressed me. I'll doubt they'll aggressively promote its belly hang...
  15. NFA

    What do guys think of this?

    Well, geez, what's the fun in turning the lights off. I didn't know there were guys that prefered that. I would always prefer to be able to see the person I was with. Dark thighs and all.
  16. NFA

    What do guys think of this?

    Just to add to the popular opinion, the discoloration is VERY common and no FA worth your time will care. Its quite likely they'll already have encountered this if they've dated BBWs before, but even if they've never seen it, there is NO reason to care about it one bit. It is such a minor and...
  17. NFA

    we're becoming common criminals

    This, again, goes back to the assumpsion on the part of the anti-fat crusaders that all fat people just don't know any better or just don't care. Its such a fundamental misunderstanding about life as a fat person that one can scarcely guess where such an absurd notion could originate from. But...
  18. NFA

    The Fat Girl Meets the Parents

    I'm not sure "back fat" qualifies as FA terminology. I was under the impression it was a derogetory reference which FA's reclaimed since its really just descriptive. The show was a mixed bag, but that alone is surprisingly positive. Some moments were stereotypical, but they didn't dwell on...
  19. NFA

    Sean Penn says late brother's weight killed him

    Yeah, because people who abuse drugs and alcohol never die young. Must have been his weight.
  20. NFA

    Afraid to diet??

    That's because I never have. The notion that I simply "called it something else" is a farce. Health at Any Size is not a diet approach. It rejects weight loss as a "treatment" and seeks to serve the health and well-being of ALL people without weight stigmatization. Its not anti-excercise or...